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Still no beams with GS6.5 & GsV3.6

From: lars prins
Subject: Still no beams with GS6.5 & GsV3.6
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 14:58:03

Hi Lilypond/Han-Wen,

Here is the promised more complete error report.
In short: I still can't get beams.
This is supposedly a known problem and I tried to solve it as
suggested on the web-site but without success.
Below, you will find
        Detailed steps
        lilypond verbose output
        input file
        full config info

How can I see which Ghost-anything is used by yap?
How do I get my beams?

Is the message
 note: there is no fndb for C:\CYGWIN\USR\WINDOWS\MIKTEX\MIKTEX\BIN\..\..

Thanks, Lars

------------------------ detailed steps ---------------------

$ ly2dvi
$ yap stoom.dvi

YAP logbook:
        Loading page 1...
        Error: PostScript problem:

        GhostScript 6.0 or better is required

The resulting image did not contain any beams.
When printing from yap to my deskjet, I don't get beams on
the print out either.

I Installed GS View-3.6 and GhostScript-6.50 since I didn't want
to draw all beams by hand, as was recommended on the Lilypond
web-site on the windows installation pages.
Now the YAP error has gone, but yap still does not show any beams.
Also, I do not get any annoying Register Now/Cancel messages.
Should I not have got such messages if yap uses the newer GS stuff?

-------------------- Lilypond verbose output: --------------------

address@hidden ~/scores/sinterkl$ ly2dvi --verbose

Invoking `lilypond -I /home/prins/scores/sinterkl -H dedication -H title -H subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator -H language -H linewidth -H latexpackages -H latexoptions -H latexheaders -H orientation -H pagenumber -H textheight -H papersize --verbose /home/prins/scores/sinterkl/stoom '
GNU LilyPond 1.4.8
Now processing: `/home/prins/scores/sinterkl/'
Interpreting music...[8][16][18]elapsed time: 0.43 seconds
Element count 837 Preprocessing elements... Element count 1415 [/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/afm/feta20.afm][/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta20.tfm] Calculating column positions... [/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta-nummer10.tfm][3][6][9][12][15]
paper output to `stoom.tex'...
[/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/ps/]Element count 874.[[/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta-braces0.tfm][/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta-braces1.tfm][/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta-braces2.tfm][/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta-braces3.tfm][/usr/lilypond-1.4.8/share/lilypond/tfm/feta-braces4.tfm]0][[/usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr8.tfm]1]
Interpreting music...elapsed time: 0.04 seconds
MIDI output to `stoom.midi'...
Track ... [0][1]
((gc-time-taken . 827) (cells-allocated . 111003) (cell-heap-size . 328232) (bytes-malloced . 529794) (gc-malloc-threshold . 543309) (cell-heap-segments (12301616 . 11933432) (12349680 . 12301632) (12878488 . 12622360) (13325568 . 13005408) (14198840 . 13606544) (15266144 . 14225104)))
Analyzing stoom.tex...
Invoking `latex \\nonstopmode \\input stoom.latex'
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2)
LaTeX2e <2000/06/01>
Babel <v3.6Z> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, ngerman, du
mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.

Document Class: article 2000/05/19 v1.4b Standard LaTeX document class
No file stoom.aux.
(stoom.tex (C:\cygwin\usr\lilypond-1.4.8\share\lilypond\tex\lilyponddefs.tex
LaTeX definitions)
[footer empty]))
Overfull \vbox (0.7539pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
[1] (stoom.aux) )
(see the transcript file for additional information)
Output written on stoom.dvi (1 page, 12564 bytes).
Transcript written on stoom.log.

note: there is no fndb for C:\CYGWIN\USR\WINDOWS\MIKTEX\MIKTEX\BIN\..\..
MIDI output to `stoom.midi'...
DVI output to `stoom.dvi'...
Cleaning /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/TEMP/@356725.0ly2dvi...

------------------------ Input file: -------------------

% Zie ginds komt de stoomboot
\score {
\context PianoStaff \notes
\context Staff = high {
     \time 3/4
     \key g \major
     \clef violin
     \relative c' <
        \context Voice=VA {\stemUp s2 d4 g g  b  a a c fis, fis a g2 d4}
        \context Voice=VB  {\stemDown s2. b2 d4 e2. d2 c4 b2 s4}>
     \relative c' <
        \context Voice=VA {\stemUp g'4 g  b  a a c fis, fis a g2 d'4}
        \context Voice=VB  {\stemDown b,2 d4 e2. d2 c4 b2 s4}>
     \relative c' {
        <fis4 a> <fis a> d' <g, b> <g b> d' <a c> <a c> <g b> <fis2 a> d4}
     \relative c' <
\context Voice=VA {\stemUp <b4 g'> [g'8 a b c] d4 b g c a <c, fis> <b2 g'> \bar "|."}
        \context Voice=VB  {\stemDown s2. g'2. e2 c4 s2}>
\context Staff = low {
   \key g \major
   \clef bass
     \relative c' {
        s2. g2 b,4 c2 a4 d2 fis4 g g, r}
     \relative c' {
        g2 b,4 c2 a4 d2 fis4 g g, r}
     \relative c' {
[d8 a] d,2 [d'8 b] d,2 [d'8 a] d,4 [g8 b] d4 d, c b g' d <b2 g'> e4 <c2 a'> <d4 a'> <g2 g,>}

 \paper {indent = 0.0 \cm}
 \midi {}

------------------- Full configuration info: -------------------

Windows 98.

address@hidden ~$ echo $SHELL

address@hidden ~$ echo $HOME
address@hidden ~$ cd
address@hidden ~$ pwd

address@hidden ~$ ls -l
total 41
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown      5052 Nov 18 10:56 example-1.dvi
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       353 Nov  3 13:41 example-1.latex
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown      1091 Nov  3 13:47 example-1.log
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       220 Nov  3 13:35
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       390 Nov 18 10:56 example-1.midi
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown     18364 Nov  3 13:51
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown     12693 Nov  3 13:41 example-1.tex
drwxr-xr-x    3 prins    unknown         0 Nov 11 20:24 scores

address@hidden ~$ type -p lilypond

address@hidden ~$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 1.4.8
This is free software.  It is covered by the GNU General Public License,
and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under
certain conditions.  Invoke as `lilypond --warranty' for more information.

Copyright (c) 1996--2001 by
 Han-Wen Nienhuys <address@hidden>
 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden>

address@hidden ~$ type -p python

address@hidden ~$ type -p ly2dvi

address@hidden ~$ ly2dvi --version
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.4.8

address@hidden ~$ type -p latex

address@hidden ~$ type -p latex.exe

address@hidden ~$ echo $MFINPUTS

address@hidden ~$ echo $TFMFONTS

address@hidden ~$ echo $WINDOWS_MFINPUTS

address@hidden ~$ echo $WINDOWS_TFMFONTS

address@hidden ~$lilypond
GNU LilyPond 1.4.8
Now processing: `'
Interpreting music...[3]
Preprocessing elements...
Calculating column positions...
paper output to `example-1.tex'...

Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `example-1.midi'...
Track ...
address@hidden ~$ tex example-1.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2)

note: there is no fndb for C:\CYGWIN\USR\WINDOWS\MIKTEX\MIKTEX\BIN\..\..
LilyPond Plain TeX settings)
[footer empty]) [1] )
Output written on example-1.dvi (1 page, 4900 bytes).
Transcript written on example-1.log.

address@hidden ~$ dvips -o example-1.dvi

note: there is no fndb for C:\CYGWIN\USR\WINDOWS\MIKTEX\MIKTEX\BIN\..\..
This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2001.11.25:1358' ->
C:\cygwin\usr\windows\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\dvips.exe: Checksum mismatch in font fet
<><>. [1]

address@hidden ~$ ls -l
total 38
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown      4900 Nov 25 13:58 example-1.dvi
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       353 Nov  3 13:41 example-1.latex
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       530 Nov 25 13:58 example-1.log
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       220 Nov  3 13:35
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown       378 Nov 25 13:58 example-1.midi
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown     15571 Nov 25 14:00
-rw-r--r--    1 prins    unknown     12693 Nov 25 13:58 example-1.tex
drwxr-xr-x    3 prins    unknown         0 Nov 11 20:24 scores

address@hidden ~$ ls -l /usr/windows/MiKTeX/spool/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/lilypond/ ls: /usr/windows/MiKTeX/spool/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/lilypond/: No such file or directory


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