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Re: 5 partition en accolade

From: Aiki Zen
Subject: Re: 5 partition en accolade
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2019 19:22:12 +0100

salut Jean-Jacques,
merci également pour ta réponse, que j'ai essayé.

mais j'ai les erreur suivantes:
% lilypond 
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
Processing `'
Parsing... error: wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting
procedure, found "mesures"

        #(set-bar-number-visibility 2)
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
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warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
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warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
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warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
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warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
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warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: ClefModifier has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: ClefModifier has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: ClefModifier has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: ClefModifier has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: ClefModifier has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: ClefModifier has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
warning: LyricText has empty extent and non-empty stencil.
Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `deep-river_02.midi'...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
Fitting music on 1 page...
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
Drawing systems...
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
warning: no PostScript font name for font
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
Layout output to `'...
Converting to `./deep-river_02.pdf'...
fatal error: failed files: ""

je suppose que c'est parce que je n'ai pas les polices adéquate...

Le jeudi 07 février 2019 à 17:08 +0100, Jean-Jacques Gerbaud a écrit :
> Le 07/02/2019 à 15:47, Aiki Zen a écrit :
> > bonjour,
> Bonjour Aiki
> > j'ai une partition à retranscrire, avec 5 voix :
> > 2 soprano
> > 1 alto
> > 1 tenor
> > 1 bass
> > 
> > donc 4 clé de sol don la tenor à l'octave et un clé de fa.
> > 
> > la partition original est écrite avec les 5 voix en accolade,
> > j'aurai
> > voulu savoir comment faire pour faire de même sous lilypond.
> > 
> > bien à vous,
> La question que tu poses n'est pas très difficile à résoudre mais il
> faut quand même quelques connaissances de Lilypond. je ne sais pas
> non
> plus si j'ai le droit de le faire mais je te mets, ci-après, un bout
> de
> code que tu pourras adapter à ton cas.
> Ce code provient dde mes tout débuts d'apprentissage. Il n'est pas
> parfait mais peut-être pourra-t-il t'aider.
> %%%%
> \version "2.18.0"
>       #(set-global-staff-size 18)
>       #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
> \header {
>       title =\markup { \fontsize #1 ""}
>       composer = \markup { \fontsize #2   ""}
>     poet = \markup \bold { \fontsize #2  "" }
>     tagline = "Created using LilyPond ("
> }
> \paper {      
>       ragged-last-bottom = ##f     }
>       resetBarnum = \context Score \applyContext % pour la
> numérotation des
> mesures
>       #(set-bar-number-visibility 2)
> global = {  }
> globalTempo = {
>     \override Score.MetronomeMark.transparent = ##t
>     \override Score.BarNumber.X-offset = #0.5 %décalage des N° de
> mesure
>       }
> global = {
>   \key c \major
>   \time 4/4
>   \dynamicUp
> }
> sopranoUNnotes = \relative c'' {
>           \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Sop. 1." }
> }
>           \set Staff.midiInstrument = "Tenor Sax"
>         \override Score.NoteColumn.force-hshift = #1.0
>             \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>             \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
>             \new Voice \global
>             \new Voice \globalTempo
>             \override Voice.TextScript.padding = #2.0
>             \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = 1
>             \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility
> =#end-of-line-invisible
>             \override Score.RehearsalMark.padding = #2.5
>             \resetBarnum
>   c2 \p \< d c d \f\< d c d c\ff
> }
> sopranoDEUXnotes = \relative c'' {
>           \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Sop. 2." }
> }
>          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "Tenor Sax"
>       \override Score.NoteColumn.force-hshift = #1.0
>             \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>             \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
>             \new Voice \global
>             \new Voice \globalTempo
>             \override Voice.TextScript.padding = #2.0
>             \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = 1
>             \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility
> =#end-of-line-invisible
>             \override Score.RehearsalMark.padding = #2.5
>             \resetBarnum
>   c2 \p \< d c d \f\< d c d c\ff
> }
> sopranowords = \lyricmode { do do do do re re re re  } % paroles
> soprano
> altonotes = \relative c'' {
>   c2\p\< d c d\f\< d c d c\ff
> }
> altowords = \lyricmode { re re re re mi mi mi mi } % paroles alto
> tenornotes = {
>   \clef "G_8"
>   c2\mp\< d c d\mf\<  d c d c\ff
> }
> tenorwords = \lyricmode { mi mi mi mi fa fa fa fa } % paroles ténor
> bassnotes = {
>   \clef bass
>   c2\mf\< d c d\f\< d c d c\ff
> }
> basswords = \lyricmode { mi mi mi mi do do do do } % paroles basse
> \score {<<
>   \new ChoirStaff <<
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice = "sopranoUN" <<
>         \global
>         \sopranoUNnotes
>       >>
>       \lyricsto "sopranoUN" \new Lyrics \sopranowords
>     >>
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice = "sopranoDEUX" <<
>         \global
>         \sopranoDEUXnotes
>       >>
> %      \lyricsto "soprano" \new Lyrics \sopranowords
>     >>
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice = "alto" <<
>         \global
>         \altonotes
>       >>
>       \lyricsto "alto" \new Lyrics \altowords
>     >>
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice = "tenor" <<
>         \global
>         \tenornotes
>       >>
>       \lyricsto "tenor" \new Lyrics \tenorwords
>     >>
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice = "bass" <<
>         \global
>         \bassnotes
>       >>
>       \lyricsto "bass" \new Lyrics \basswords
>     >>
>   >>
> > > 
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }
> _______________________________________________
> liste de diffusion lilypond-user-fr
> address@hidden

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