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Re: longueurs hamps qui dépassent de la portée

From: JMarc
Subject: Re: longueurs hamps qui dépassent de la portée
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 09:24:00 -0700 (MST)

J'ai joué avec \offset, je l'avoue... mais sans succès pour l'instant : 

\relative c { \clef bass \stemDown
c4 c b a g f e d c8 d e c d e f d e f g4 c,2 \break 
\offset length #2 Stem
c'4 c b a g f e d c8 d e c d e f d e f g4 c,2
\bar ".|:" 

Ca ne fonctionne pas non plus avec Y-offset...

Ca doit se cacher dans le fameux scm/grob-properties où il semble y avoir
les valeurs par défaut. Mais j'avoue avoir un peu de mal à déchiffrer, et
surtout, comment y accéder via offset. Je sais que c'est LE MAL de modifier
ce fichier en dur  Any brilliant idea ?

     . (
        (beamlet-default-length . (1.1 . 1.1))
        (beamlet-max-length-proportion . (0.75 . 0.75))
        (cross-staff . ,ly:stem::calc-cross-staff)
        (default-direction . ,ly:stem::calc-default-direction)
         . (
            ;; 3.5 (or 3 measured from note head) is standard length
            ;; 32nd, 64th, 128th flagged stems should be longer
            (lengths . (3.5 3.5 3.5 4.25 5.0 6.0))

            ;; FIXME.  3.5 yields too long beams (according to Ross and
            ;; looking at Baerenreiter examples) for a number of common
            ;; boundary cases.  Subtracting half a beam thickness fixes
            ;; this, but the bug may well be somewhere else.

            ;; FIXME this should come from 'lengths
            (beamed-lengths . (3.26 3.5 3.6))

            ;; The 'normal' minima
            (beamed-minimum-free-lengths . (1.83 1.5 1.25))
            ;;(beamed-minimum-free-lengths . (2.0 1.83 1.25))

            ;; The 'extreme case' minima
            (beamed-extreme-minimum-free-lengths . (2.0 1.25))

            ;; Stems in unnatural (forced) direction should be shortened by
            ;; one staff space, according to [Roush & Gourlay].
            ;; Flagged stems we shorten only half a staff space.
            (stem-shorten . (1.0 0.5))


        ;; We use the normal minima as minimum for the ideal lengths,
        ;; and the extreme minima as abolute minimum length.

        (direction . ,ly:stem::calc-direction)
        (double-stem-separation . 0.5)
        (duration-log . ,stem::calc-duration-log)
        (length . ,(ly:make-unpure-pure-container ly:stem::calc-length
        (neutral-direction . ,DOWN)
        (positioning-done . ,ly:stem::calc-positioning-done)
        (stem-info . ,ly:stem::calc-stem-info)
        (stem-begin-position . ,(ly:make-unpure-pure-container
ly:stem::calc-stem-begin-position ly:stem::pure-calc-stem-begin-position))
        (stencil . ,ly:stem::print)
        (thickness . 1.3)
        (X-extent . ,ly:stem::width)
        (X-offset . ,ly:stem::offset-callback)
        (Y-extent . ,(ly:make-unpure-pure-container ly:stem::height
        (Y-offset . ,staff-symbol-referencer::callback)
        (meta . ((class . Item)
                 (interfaces . (stem-interface))))))

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