\version "2.18.2" % copiado de scm/translation-functions.scm % antes format-bass-figure % cambiado de: -2 2) a: 0 0) #(define-public (my-format-bass-figure figure event context) (let* ((fig (ly:event-property event 'figure)) (fig-markup (if (number? figure) ;; this is not very elegant, but center-aligning ;; all digits is problematic with other markups, ;; and shows problems in the (lack of) overshoot ;; of feta-alphabet glyphs. ((if (<= 10 figure) (lambda (y) (make-translate-scaled-markup (cons -0.7 0) y)) identity) (cond ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'diminished)) (markup #:slashed-digit figure)) ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented-slash)) (markup #:backslashed-digit figure)) (else (markup #:number (number->string figure 10))))) #f)) (alt (ly:event-property event 'alteration)) (alt-markup (if (number? alt) (markup #:general-align Y DOWN #:fontsize (if (not (= alt DOUBLE-SHARP)) 0 0) (alteration->text-accidental-markup alt)) #f)) (plus-markup (if (eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented)) (markup #:number "+") #f)) (alt-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassAlterationDirection)) (plus-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassPlusDirection))) (if (and (not fig-markup) alt-markup) (begin (set! fig-markup (markup #:left-align #:pad-around 0.3 alt-markup)) (set! alt-markup #f))) ;; hmm, how to get figures centered between note, and ;; lone accidentals too? ;; (if (markup? fig-markup) ;; (set! ;; fig-markup (markup #:translate (cons 1.0 0) ;; #:center-align fig-markup))) (if alt-markup (set! fig-markup (markup #:put-adjacent X (if (number? alt-dir) alt-dir LEFT) fig-markup #:pad-x 0.2 alt-markup))) (if plus-markup (set! fig-markup (if fig-markup (markup #:put-adjacent X (if (number? plus-dir) plus-dir LEFT) fig-markup #:pad-x 0.2 plus-markup) plus-markup))) (if (markup? fig-markup) (markup #:fontsize -2 fig-markup) empty-markup))) #(set-global-staff-size 15.0) bcMusic = \relative c { c2 g c, f c1 } bcFigures = \figuremode { \override Staff.BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction = #DOWN <5 _->4 <6-> <7> <_+> <6 _!> <5> <7 _+ 3-> } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bajo continuo" } { \clef bass \bcMusic } \new FiguredBass { \bcFigures } >> } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bajo continuo" } { \clef bass \bcMusic } \new FiguredBass { \set figuredBassFormatter = #my-format-bass-figure \bcFigures } >> }