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Re: Issue 3942: Scale slurs and ties when using \magnifyMusic. (issue 10

From: dak
Subject: Re: Issue 3942: Scale slurs and ties when using \magnifyMusic. (issue 103890046)
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:04:07 +0000

Yeah, I know.  Late again.  I was really having problems catching up
with various things.
File ly/ (right):
ly/ Stem.thickness
This is madness.  Stem.thickness and its ilk don't make sense as symbols
at all: unique symbols come at a cost.  You cannot use those here anyway
without converting the symbol to a string, splitting the string at ".",
and convert back to symbols again.  There is no point in not writing
   (Stem thickness)
   (Slur line-thickness)
   (Slur thickness)
and so on in the first place and it's not like it would be more verbose.

The LilyPond expression Stem.thickness _is_ represented in Scheme by
'(Stem thickness).  You can write

$(define-void-function (parser location sl) (symbol-list?) (write sl))

and you can also write

\override #'(Stem thickness) = 5

So there is no point in creating some LilyPond/Scheme hybrid in between.
ly/ Slur.details.region-size
I doubt you even have a chance of making this work.  Overriding and
reverting bulks of *nested* properties does not work reliably.

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