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Re: maintaining advanced power-user Scheme functions

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: Re: maintaining advanced power-user Scheme functions
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 22:46:47 +0200


2013/8/17 Janek Warchoł <address@hidden>:
> 2013/8/14 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
>> The right place for them would be the LSR, _if_ the LSR would be able
>> to compile them and not use a LilyPond-version far too old for many of
>> my ideas.
>> There were some insinuations on the list the last months (or was it a
>> year already?) to upgrade the LSR and yes, one should do so.
>> But I hesitate to volunteer again for this task.
>> I initiated the last ugrade and did perhaps the major work, supported
>> by several developers and the great David Nalesnik.
>> Though there was only one, I repeat _one_, other user who tried to help:
>> Philippe Hezaine
>> @Philippe
>> Thanks a lot for trying to help. And let me say: You didn't waste my time!
>> So I was annoyed by the lack of help/interest of others and I'm still
>> pissed off.
> I understand this.
> I think that this means that there is some design flaw about how LSR
> works.  I'll think about it more.

After some thinking, i came to the conclusion that LSR should be redesigned.
Fristly, it should be a git repository, to make collaboration easy -
when something's a git repository, i have a habit of contributing
stuff there on every opportunity, because even if i do something wrong
i can undo this.
Secondly, i think that it shouldn't depend on any particular lilypond
version - in fact, it shouldn't actually run any lilypond in my
opinion.  I believe that LSR should hold both snippets' code and their
output, with lilypond version clearly stated, and thus allow to post
snippets for any lilypond version.  It would just be a collection of

I could elaborate on this topic, but as i don't have time to actually
do something about it it probably wouln't make sense (unless someone
wanted to lead such a change - then i would gladly help).


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