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Vocal headword

From: Francisco Vila
Subject: Vocal headword
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 02:20:05 +0100

Hello all,

Hereby I propose this snippet as an inspirational headword for the
Vocal chapter.

The code of the snippet follows.


#(set-global-staff-size 15)

\version "2.13.47"

\relative c' { \clef bass \key d \minor \time 3/4
        % \tempo "Presto"
        % \compressFullBarRests  R2.*8
        \tempo "Recitativo"
        r4^\markup { \small Baritono } r a
        \appoggiatura a8 e'2. ~
        e4 d8[ cis d e]
        e4 g, r8 g
        bes2 a8 e
        g4 f r
        gis2 gis4
        r4 d'4. b8
        b4 gis8([ a b cis]
        e8[ d cis d)] b([ gis)]
        e8 d d4 fis8([ e)]
        d4 cis r
        \key d \major
        r4 r a'
        d4.( e8[ fis e)]
        e([ d)] d([ cis d a)]
        g8([ fis)] fis([ e d c)]
        c8([ b)] g'2~
        \once \override Script #'outside-staff-priority = #1 % put
fermata closer to staff
        g4.\fermata ^\markup { \small \italic "ad libitum" } e8[ cis] d
        d8 a a4 r \bar "||"

        % \time 4/4 \tempo "Allegro assai"
        % R1
        % e''4^\f d r2
        % R1
        % e4( ^\f d2) a8([ g)]
\addlyrics {
        O Freun -- _ _ de, nicht die -- _ se Tö -- ne!
        Son -- dern laßt uns an -- _ ge -- neh -- me -- re an -- stim -- men,
        und freu -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ den -- vol -- le -- re!
        % Freu -- de, Freu -- de,__

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t
  line-width = 17\cm
  indent = 0\cm


Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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