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[PATCH] Compound time signature support in lilypond

From: Reinhold Kainhofer
Subject: [PATCH] Compound time signature support in lilypond
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 21:22:00 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/2.6.35-24-generic; KDE/4.5.4; i686; ; )

Here is a patch to create complex time signatures:

Create compound time signatures with the \compoundMeter function. The argument 
is a Scheme list of lists. Each list describes one fraction, with the last 
entry being the denominator, while the first entries describe the summands in 
the enumerator. If the time signature consists of just one fraction, the list 
can be given directly, i.e. not as a list containing a single list.

For example, a time signature of (3+1)/8 + 2/4 would be created as 
\compoundMeter #'((3 1 8) (2 4)), and a time signature of (3+2)/8 as 
\compoundMeter #'((3 2 8)) or shorter \compoundMeter #'(3 2 8).

It is basically the same code as in the LSR snippet, just included directly in 
the lilypond code:

Any comments?


PS: I chose "compoundMeter", because such complex time signatures do not only 
specify the measure length, but also the beat structure (i.e. the "meter").
Would it be better to call it "compoundTime" instead?
Reinhold Kainhofer, address@hidden,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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