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Re: Sharing your free software / quarantine success story

From: Denver Gingerich
Subject: Re: Sharing your free software / quarantine success story
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 04:28:56 +0000
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 08:58:32AM -0400, LM wrote:
> If anyone knows of other Linux users groups that are having meetings
> virtually using Free Software and wouldn't mind if people outside
> their area joined in, would appreciate hearing about them.

The Kitchener-Waterloo Linux User Group (KWLUG) is running their meetings with 
BigBlueButton.  You can find general details on how they like you to connect 

When I joined for their last meeting on April 6, the "do NOT use the webcam 
functionality" instruction had been nixed, and we were encouraged to add as 
many people as possible to see how much bandwidth they could use up (it worked 
fine for over a dozen participants, possibly 20 or more, with lots of bandwidth 
to spare).

For an example of how to specifically connect to this recent meeting I 
mentioned above, see:

You can also download a podcast episode that includes the audio that they 
recorded from BigBlueButton, linked from that page.

If you want to join an upcoming meeting, there is a list at the following URL, 
with the next meeting a little under two weeks away (May 4):

Note that times there are listed in Eastern Time (currently UTC-4).

I'm not especially connected with KWLUG, aside from knowing a few people there 
and having attended in-person once or twice before.  If you have any questions, 
I'm happy to connect you with someone who would know more there.

I'm quite sure they have no problem with new people joining, so feel free to 
try it out!


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