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[libreplanet-discuss] free software is under attack

From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] free software is under attack
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 09:35:05 +0100

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:16 AM
<> wrote:

> My inbox is blowing up with this debate on RMS' and others morals. Can
> we return to using this list for it's intended purposes in free software
> and move the debate somewhere else?

hiya tom,

i totally get it - i subscribed (digest) a long time ago, never really
read it, and saw a... morass/deluge of digest messages - twelve in a
row - and went, "holy shit what's *this* all about... ah.  whoops".

the unfortunate thing is - and i do appreciate that ironically i am
adding to an already-overloaded discussion - that because this forum
(and many others) is under attack from intelligence agency operatives
hostile to the "threat" that software freedom presents, your wishes in
this matter are not going to be respected.

the moment that the thread begins to "shut down", another plant will
write another message, from another account, which re-ignites the
entire thing and off we go again.

the entire purpose of raising this discussion here in an inflammatory
fashion is - and was - to cause MAXIMUM damage to the Free Software
Movement, by specifically exploiting a deliberate misinterpretation of
Dr Stallman's words.

already we have witnessed several people abandon free software, from
both a funding perspective and a moral / ethical perspective, *not
realising that this is precisely what the attackers from the shadows

when the thread *eventually* shuts down - after everyone is too
exhausted to respond to the inflammatory comments raised by the plants
- the team will congratulate themselves on a job well done, and move
on to another forum.

if one doesn't exist, they'll work with the other intelligence field
operatives - peers of Epstein - to *ENGINEER* another Minsky /
Applebaum / Assange situation, and will work with that to continue to
destroy the reputation of Free Software, "safe" in the knowledge that
everyone will have forgotten the last "plausibly deniable" time that
the team worked to deliberately inflame and destabilise Free Software
Forums such as this one.

if you - MARY-JANE - are an actual real person, you damn well should
have known better than to make unjustified accusations.

MARY-JANE - double-barrelled name (two female forenames, in CAPITALS)
just to make it absolutely clear that "you" are female.  your handlers
most likely did a lot of research and have a database of the
psychological impact of the surname associated with "you".  this then
solicits sympathy and helps maximise the damage by the *deliberate*
misinterpretation of Dr Stallman's words.

MARY-JANE - whom i have not seen apologise for the harm caused after
several people explained that your words are a clearly defamatory
misinterpretation of what Dr Stallman actually wrote.

this is how spycraft works.

engineer a situation - "groom" and "target" some high-profile
individuals, exploit their weaknesses, blackmail them, then when it
becomes exposed, have "plants" right across the internet post publicly
and prominently, to express shock and outrage at the "exploitation" -
sexual exploitation works *really* well...

Assange, Manning, Applebaum, Minsky... anyone seeing a pattern here?....

... then when prominent high-profile individuals unknowingly get
involved in the discussion [rms] HOO-RAAAH!  JACKPOT!! YESSS, let's
*REALLY* go to town on them!  BONUS points for the team operative who
can cause the most damage by way of misleading and false
misinterpretation of *that* juicy conversation, woo!

you - *all* of you - *need* to understand and appreciate that this is
how discord is sown, by people who have no limits on what they will or
will not do, except that, because they are maximally-effective from
the shadows, their actions have to be "reasonably deniable"

this is actually extremely easy because the average person is simply
INCAPABLE OF BELIEVING that another human being could actually
WILLINGLY engage in, plan, and carry out such orchestrated,
premeditated, unbelievably unethical, criminal and immoral behaviour,
on a regular and ongoing basis.

yet this is just how spycraft works.  there *are* no moral, legal, or
ethical limits.

so - ALL of you - need to be aware of this, and STOP reacting.
remember what Software Freedom is about.  it's *not* actually about
the software, it's about ethics *as applied* to software.

look up the definition of an ethical act.  "An act that increases
truth, love, awareness or creativity (those being synonyms for the
same underyling concept) for one or more people (including yourself),
WITHOUT decreasing ANY of those same four qualities FOR ANYONE".

by that definition, do you think that abandoning Free Software,
de-funding the FSF, or rejecting Dr Stallman and the life-long efforts
he has gone to, is what you should be doing?

because if after aaaall of this discussion: if you do, you've been
played.  or you're one of the players.  hello, yes, i know you're
there, i know the tell-tale signs and signatures to look for.

for you - the team behind these attacks: please research Robert David
Steele.  we are human beings, and so are you.  we are not the
"objects" and "targets" that your handlers describe us as which allows
you to emotionally detach from the damage that you are doing to real,
live, human beings.

that said: by making this request of you, i do appreciate that you are
now in an impossible situation.  by working in the shadows, if you
show a conscience and morally object to the work that you are doing,
there is nothing that stops you from being executed, because nobody
will even notice that you are gone.  you chose that life - you chose
to live by the sword.  this is just how it is.  i get it.

so instead, just pass it up the chain.  quietly.  "Robert David
Steele".  Navy Seal Captain and CIA Intelligence Director who
advocates world-wide security through OPEN COLLABORATION.  don't do
anything else, because *your* lives critically depend on doing what
you're ordered to do, regardless of how criminally insane or morally
objectionable that is.

unethical means *never* justify ethical ends.  by definition.  no
matter what you've been told.


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