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Re: [libmicrohttpd] clang formatting discussion via [gnunet-developers]

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] clang formatting discussion via [gnunet-developers]
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:18:53 +0200
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Dear MHD hackers,

There has been a (long-ish) discussion about using clang-format for
source formatting among the GNUnet developers.  WDYT about applying the
same/similar rules to GNU libmicrohttpd and also enforcing them via Git
hooks on commit? I've attached the .clang-format file that resulted from
the GNUnet discussion here.

See in particular the following e-mails from the GNUnet discussion:

On 4/15/19 10:02 AM, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote on [GNUnet-developers]:> Hi,
> FYI I added a clang-format at "contrib/conf/editors/clang-format".
> Clang-format is usable with most editors (vim, emacs, vscode) with
respective plugins.
> This way, we can have a unified coding style.
> Clang-format has a nice documentation and allows fine-grained setting
which are also human readable:
> Let's use it and put it as a note into our coding guidelines?>

Martin also wrote:

> Most editors have plugins:
> emacs:
> (n)vim:
> vscode: native
> sublime:

And most recently I wrote (latest point of the discussion):

> Yes, the question is this: are there any developers here where their
> editor cannot be reasonably integrated with clang-format? If so, please
> do shout out now!
> I've so far heard only positive feedback for Martin's overall initiative
> to get indentation under control, so for now I'll proceed with the
> assumption that there are no blockers. But if you do have an issue with
> this, please do let me know (on or off list) as soon as possible. If
> there are no (sound) objections soon, I will give ng0/schanzen the
> go-ahead to enable enforcement of clang formatting for all Git commits
> in the future!
> Anyway, aside from the general policy debate, please read on for more
> specific related issues.
> //// Deployment experience
> I had to install clang-format-9 from Debian experimental, as our
> configuration includes options that are only in v9.
> For Emacs user's reference: Without v9, the Emacs integration silently
> failed. I also had to create a symlink from clang-format to
> clang-format-9, as the Emacs integration only looks for the clang-format
> binary (and otherwise also fails silently).
> Other than that, Emacs integration was straightforward:
> I added to gnunet/.dir-locals.el a hook on save (this may end up in Git
> "soon")
> ((c-mode
>   (eval add-hook 'before-save-hook #'clang-format-buffer nil t)))
> <<<
> and to .emacs the logic to find the clang-format package
> (require 'package)
> (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "";))
> ;; initialize package system
> (package-initialize)
> ;; actually load the package
> (require 'clang-format)
> <<<
> And of course also installed the clang-format package (interactively,
> M-x install-package) as per documentation from Martin's first link above.
> Finally, the clang-format style symlink must be set:
> # Install clang format symlink
> ln -s contrib/conf/editors/clang-format .clang-format
> (this I will at to the bootstrap script).
> //// Formatting gripes
> My remaining main issue with
> is that it cannot currently be forced to put a break after each argument
> and each parameter, and it also cannot detect the exception that a
> function has key-value pairs and thus should keep the arguments paired.
> However, the latter case is solvable! If we have key-value pairs, we
can do:
> /* clang-format off */
> fun (generalargs,
>      key1, value1,
>      key2, value2,
>      key3, value3);
> /* clang-format on */
> Real-world example from gnunet-gtk/src/namestore/gnunet-namestore-gtk.c:
>  /* clang-format off */
>  gtk_tree_model_get (tm, &iter,
>                      GNS_TREESTORE_COL_RECORD_TYPE, &n_type,
>                      GNS_TREESTORE_COL_IS_PUBLIC, &n_public,
>                      GNS_TREESTORE_COL_EXP_TIME, &n_exp_time,
>                      GNS_TREESTORE_COL_EXP_TIME_IS_REL, &n_is_relative,
>                      GNS_TREESTORE_COL_IS_SHADOW, &n_is_shadow,
>                      GNS_TREESTORE_COL_VAL_AS_STR, &n_value,
>                      -1);
>  /* clang-format on */
> That way, clang-format won't touch the *nice* formatting. So if there is
> a very strong reason, I would definitively approve turning off clang for
> parts of the source.
> For this reason, please do NOT simply apply clang-format globally to
> GNUnet.  Instead, when editing a file, do a quick check to see if
> clang-format would destroy something that's just done "right", and *turn
> it off* for those regions.  After that, a single commit with just the
> clang-forward should be OK.
> Happy hacking!
> Christian

Please let me know what you think of this.

Happy hacking!


Attachment: .clang-format
Description: Text document

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