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[Libjit] How to pass pointers through jit_function_apply()?

From: 阿保 純一
Subject: [Libjit] How to pass pointers through jit_function_apply()?
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 01:48:35 +0900

I'm using these at gentoo linux on 32bit Pentium-M.
When I tried a brainf*ck interpreter code from somewhere and I builded it using 
LibJIT downloaded on January 6th 2018(according to it's ChangeLog, it's 
last-edited is 2017-11-23), I failed passing a pointer on to the function 
LibJIT generate.

For example,

/* swap.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jit/jit.h>
#include <jit/jit-dump.h>
static jit_function_t compile(jit_context_t c)
       void swap(jit_int *p1, jit_int *p2) {
       jit_int v1 = *p1, v2 = *p2;
       *p1 = v2;
       *p2 = v1;
    jit_function_t f;
    jit_type_t params[2];
    jit_type_t signature;
    jit_value_t o1p, o2p, o1, o2;
    params[0] = jit_type_create_pointer(jit_type_int, 1);
    params[1] = jit_type_copy(params[0]);
    signature =
        jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, params, 2,
    f = jit_function_create(c, signature);
    o1p = jit_value_get_param(f, 0);
    o2p = jit_value_get_param(f, 1);
    o1 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, o1p, 0, jit_type_int);
    o2 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, o2p, 0, jit_type_int);
    jit_insn_store_relative(f, o1p, 0, o2);
    jit_insn_store_relative(f, o2p, 0, o1);
    jit_insn_return(f, NULL);
    jit_dump_function(stderr, f, "function");
    jit_dump_function(stderr, f, "function");
    return f;
int main(void)
    jit_int o1, o2;
    jit_context_t c;
    jit_function_t f;
    c = jit_context_create();
    f = compile(c);
    scanf("%i,%i", &o1, &o2);
    if (1) {
        void (*ff) (int *, int *) = jit_function_to_closure(f);
        ff(&o1, &o2);
    } else {
        int *do1 = &o1, *do2 = &o2;
        void *a[] = { &do1, &do2 };
        jit_function_apply(f, a, NULL);
    printf("%i,%i\n", o1, o2);
    return 0;

This code works well when using jit_function_to_closure(), but fails (Lucky to 
happen nothing) when using jit_function_apply().
It seems jit_function_apply picks first argument only, and, passes it to a 
JITed function without dereferencing.

/* swap1.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jit/jit.h>
#include <jit/jit-dump.h>
static jit_function_t compile(jit_context_t c)
       void swap(jit_int *p1, jit_int *p2) {
       jit_int v1 = *p1, v2 = *p2;
       *p1 = v2;
       *p2 = v1;
    jit_function_t f;
    jit_type_t params[2];
    jit_type_t signature;
    jit_value_t o1p, o2p, o1, o2;
    params[0] = jit_type_create_pointer(jit_type_int, 1);
    params[1] = jit_type_copy(params[0]);
    signature =
        jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, params, 2,
    f = jit_function_create(c, signature);
    o1p = jit_value_get_param(f, 0);
    /* same value of o1p? */ o2p = jit_value_get_param(f, 1);
    o1 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, o1p, 0, jit_type_int);
    o2 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, o2p,
                                /* need to adjust */ 4, jit_type_int);
    jit_insn_store_relative(f, o1p, 0, o2);
    jit_insn_store_relative(f, o2p, 4, o1);
    jit_insn_return(f, NULL);
    jit_dump_function(stderr, f, "swap");
    jit_dump_function(stderr, f, "swap");
    return f;
int main(void)
    jit_int o1, o2;
    jit_context_t c;
    jit_function_t f;
    c = jit_context_create();
    f = compile(c);
    scanf("%i,%i", &o1, &o2);
    if (0) {
        /* don't works for this example. */
        void (*ff) (int *, int *) = jit_function_to_closure(f);
        ff(&o1, &o2);
    } else {
        int *do1 = &o1, *do2 = &o2;
        //void *a[] = { &do1, &do2 };
        void *a[] = { &o1, &o2 };
        jit_function_apply(f, a, NULL);
    printf("%i,%i\n", o1, o2);
    return 0;

In the second codes, jit_function_to_closure() doesn't work instead.
(And this code relys on the addresses of local variables of "o1" and "o2".)

Maybe I'm making mistakes at invoking jit_function_apply().
Any help is welcome.

Attachment: swap.c
Description: Text Data

Attachment: swap1.c
Description: Text Data

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