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[libcvd-members] libcvd pnm_src/ cvd_src/ cvd/i...

From: Edward Rosten
Subject: [libcvd-members] libcvd pnm_src/ cvd_src/ cvd/i...
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 21:40:28 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/libcvd
Module name:    libcvd
Changes by:     Edward Rosten <edrosten>        06/09/29 21:40:28

Modified files:
        pnm_src        : 
        cvd_src        : 
        cvd            : image_io.h 
        cvd/internal/io: png.h 

Log message:
        PNG write support.
        Tested with 8 bit and 1 bit PNGs only.  Native support for 1, 8, 16, 24 
        48 bit images.
        Note that PNG code is SubImage ready (ie it uses subimages, but the rest
        of the load/save functions do not yet).


Index: pnm_src/
RCS file: /cvsroot/libcvd/libcvd/pnm_src/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -b -r1.2 -r1.3
--- pnm_src/      29 Sep 2006 17:42:23 -0000      1.2
+++ pnm_src/      29 Sep 2006 21:40:27 -0000      1.3
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 static void write_fn(png_structp png_ptr, unsigned char*  data, size_t 
        ostream* o = (ostream*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
@@ -43,7 +43,10 @@
        ostream* o = (ostream*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
        (*o) << flush;
 void png_in::unpack_to_bytes()
@@ -179,3 +182,92 @@
+png_out::png_out(int w, int h, colour_type t, int depth, std::ostream& out)
+       //Create required structs
+       png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, &error_string, 
error_fn, warn_fn);
+       if(!png_ptr)
+               throw Exceptions::OutOfMemory();
+       info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+       if (!info_ptr)     
+       {        
+               png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr,NULL);
+               throw Exceptions::OutOfMemory();
+       }
+       //Set up error handling
+       if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))     
+       {         
+               png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
+               throw Exceptions::Image_IO::MalformedImage(error_string);
+       }
+       //Set up stream IO
+       png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, &o, write_fn, flush_fn);
+       int c_type;
+       switch(t)
+       {
+               case Grey: c_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; break;
+               case GreyAlpha: c_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA; break;
+               case Rgb: c_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; break;
+               case RgbAlpha: c_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; break;
+       }
+       //Set up the image type
+       png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, w, h, depth, c_type, 
+               if (depth > 8)
+                       png_set_swap(png_ptr);
+       #endif
+       //Write the header 
+       png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
+void png_out::pack()
+       png_set_packing(png_ptr);
+void png_out::rgbx()
+       png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
+void png_out::write_raw_pixel_lines(const std::vector<const unsigned char*>& p)
+       //Set up error handling
+       if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))     
+       {         
+               png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
+               throw Exceptions::Image_IO::MalformedImage(error_string);
+       }
+       png_write_rows(png_ptr, const_cast<unsigned char**>(&p[0]), p.size());
+void png_out::write_raw_pixel_lines(const std::vector<const unsigned short*>& 
+       //Set up error handling
+       if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))     
+       {         
+               png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
+               throw Exceptions::Image_IO::MalformedImage(error_string);
+       }
+       png_write_rows(png_ptr, reinterpret_cast<unsigned 
char**>(const_cast<unsigned short**>(&p[0])), p.size());
+       png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
+       png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);

Index: cvd_src/
RCS file: /cvsroot/libcvd/libcvd/cvd_src/,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -b -r1.22 -r1.23
--- cvd_src/ 28 Sep 2006 00:28:32 -0000      1.22
+++ cvd_src/ 29 Sep 2006 21:40:27 -0000      1.23
@@ -104,9 +104,13 @@
        if (suffix == "ps") 
                return  ImageType::PS;
-       else if (suffix == "jpg") 
+       else if (suffix == "jpg" || suffix == "jpeg") 
                 return  ImageType::JPEG;
+       else if (suffix == "png") 
+                return  ImageType::PNG;
        else if (suffix == "eps")
                return  ImageType::EPS;
        else if (suffix == "bmp") 

Index: cvd/image_io.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/libcvd/libcvd/cvd/image_io.h,v
retrieving revision 1.31
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -b -r1.31 -r1.32
--- cvd/image_io.h      28 Sep 2006 23:23:51 -0000      1.31
+++ cvd/image_io.h      29 Sep 2006 21:40:28 -0000      1.32
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
                        CVD_IMAGE_HAVE_JPEG  //This is a macro, ending in ,
+                       CVD_IMAGE_HAVE_PNG
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@
        // This is not the real definition, but this is what it would look like 
if all
-       // the macros were expanded. The real definition is in 
+       // the macros were expanded. The real definition is above
        /// Contains the enumeration of possible image types
        namespace ImageType
@@ -119,10 +120,17 @@
                        /// Unknown image type (can be returned by @ref 
-                       /// PNM image format (PBM, PGM or PPM). This is a raw 
image format.
+                       /// PNM image format (PBM, PGM or PPM).
+                       /// This writes 8 or 16 bit raw PGMs or PPMs. PBM is 
not currently supported
                        /// JPEG image format. This is a compressed (lossy) 
image format, but defaults to 95% quality, which has very few compression 
artefacts. This image type is only present if libjpeg is available.
+                       /// RGB and Greyscale JPEGs are supported
+                       /// Windows BMP (or DIB) format. Uncompressed 8 bit 
grey scale and 24 bit RGB are supported.
+                       BMP,
+                       /// PNG imager format. 1, 8 and 16 bit, Greyscale, RGB 
and RGBA images are supported.
+                       /// This image type is only present if libpng is 
+                       PNG,
                        /// Postscript  format. This outputs a bare PostScript 
image with the coordinate system set up 
                        /// to that (x,y) corresponds to pixel (x,y), with 
(0,0) being at the top left of the pixel (0,0).
                        /// The Y axis is therefore inverted compared to normal 
postscript drawing, but is image aligned.
@@ -259,6 +267,9 @@
          #ifdef CVD_IMAGE_HAVE_JPEG
                  case ImageType::JPEG: JPEG::writeJPEG(im,o); break;
+         #ifdef CVD_IMAGE_HAVE_PNG
+                 case ImageType::PNG: PNG::writePNG(im,o); break;
+         #endif
          case ImageType::PS:   PS::writePS(im, o);  break;
          case ImageType::EPS:  PS::writeEPS(im,o);  break;
          case ImageType::BMP:  BMP::writeBMP(im,o);  break;

Index: cvd/internal/io/png.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/libcvd/libcvd/cvd/internal/io/png.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
--- cvd/internal/io/png.h       28 Sep 2006 23:23:51 -0000      1.1
+++ cvd/internal/io/png.h       29 Sep 2006 21:40:28 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+                        This file is part of the CVD Library.
+                        Copyright (C) 2005 The Authors
+                        This library is free software; you can redistribute it 
+                        modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General 
+                        License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+                        version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any 
later version.
+                        This library is distributed in the hope that it will 
be useful,
+                        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied 
warranty of
See the GNU
+                        Lesser General Public License for more details.
+                        You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser 
General Public
+                        License along with this library; if not, write to the 
Free Software
+                        Foundation, Inc., 
+                        51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
02110-1301  USA
 #include <iostream>
@@ -49,6 +69,35 @@
+struct png_out
+       typedef enum
+       {
+               Grey,
+               GreyAlpha,
+               Rgb,
+               RgbAlpha
+       }colour_type;
+       png_out(int w, int h, colour_type t, int depth, std::ostream&);
+       ~png_out();
+       void pack();
+       void rgbx();
+       void write_raw_pixel_lines(const std::vector<const unsigned char*>&);
+       void write_raw_pixel_lines(const std::vector<const unsigned short*>&);
+       void read_end();
+       std::string error_string;
+       std::ostream& o;
+       png_struct_def* png_ptr;
+       png_info_struct* info_ptr, *end_info;
 // Utility
@@ -62,6 +111,14 @@
                rows[r] = (D*)im[r];
+template<class C, class D> void make_row_pointers(const SubImage<C>& im, 
std::vector<const D*>& rows)
+       rows.resize(im.size().y);
+       for(int r=0; r < im.size().y; r++)
+               rows[r] = (const D*)im[r];
 // Read Greyscale PNG
@@ -271,5 +328,169 @@
        readPNG(im, png);
+// How to convert Misc types in to PNG compatible types
+template<int Components, bool use_16bit> struct PNGType;
+template<> struct PNGType<1,0>{ typedef byte type; typedef enum { Colour = 
png_out::Grey, Depth=8} col;};
+template<> struct PNGType<1,1>{ typedef unsigned short type; typedef enum { 
Colour = png_out::Grey, Depth=16} col;};
+template<> struct PNGType<3,0>{ typedef Rgb<byte> type; typedef enum { Colour 
= png_out::Rgb, Depth=8} col;};
+template<> struct PNGType<3,1>{ typedef Rgb<unsigned short> type; typedef enum 
{ Colour = png_out::Rgb, Depth=16} col;};
+template<> struct PNGType<4,0>{ typedef Rgba<byte> type; typedef enum { Colour 
= png_out::RgbAlpha, Depth=8} col;};
+template<> struct PNGType<4,1>{ typedef Rgba<unsigned short> type; typedef 
enum { Colour = png_out::RgbAlpha, Depth=16} col;};
+template<class T> class PNGWriter
+       static void write(const SubImage<T>& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               typedef PNGType<Pixel::Component<T>::count, 
Internal::save_default<T>::use_16bit> PNGInfo;
+               typedef typename PNGInfo::type Out;
+               typedef typename Pixel::Component<Out>::type Comp;
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, PNGInfo::Colour, 
PNGInfo::Depth, o);
+               std::vector<Out> row_buf(i.size().x);
+               std::vector<const Comp*> rows;
+               rows.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const Comp*>(&row_buf[0]));
+               for(int r=0; r < i.size().y ; r++)
+               {
+                       Pixel::ConvertPixels<T,Out>::convert(i[r], &row_buf[0], 
+                       po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+               }
+       }
+template<class T> void writePNG(const SubImage<T>& i, std::ostream& o)
+       PNGWriter<T>::write(i, o);
+// Types which require no conversions
+template<> struct PNGWriter<bool>
+       static void write(const SubImage<bool>& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::Grey, 1, o);
+               po.pack();
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<byte>
+       static void write(const SubImage<byte>& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::Grey, 8, o);
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<unsigned short>
+       static void write(const SubImage<unsigned short>& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::Grey, 16, o);
+               std::vector<const unsigned short*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<Rgb8>
+       static void write(const SubImage<Rgb<byte> >& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::Rgb, 8, o);
+               po.rgbx();
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<Rgb<byte> >
+       static void write(const SubImage<Rgb<byte> >& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::Rgb, 8, o);
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<Rgb<unsigned short> >
+       static void write(const SubImage<Rgb<unsigned short> >& i, 
std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::Rgb, 16, o);
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<Rgba<byte> >
+       static void write(const SubImage<Rgba<byte> >& i, std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::RgbAlpha, 8, o);
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }
+template<> struct PNGWriter<Rgba<unsigned short> >
+       static void write(const SubImage<Rgba<unsigned short> >& i, 
std::ostream& o)
+       {
+               png_out po(i.size().x, i.size().y, png_out::RgbAlpha, 16, o);
+               std::vector<const byte*> rows;
+               make_row_pointers(i, rows);
+               po.write_raw_pixel_lines(rows);
+       }

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