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Re: [Libcvd-members] libcvd cvd/videofilebuffer.h cvd/videofilebuffe...

From: Edward Rosten
Subject: Re: [Libcvd-members] libcvd cvd/videofilebuffer.h cvd/videofilebuffe...
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 13:45:20 -0600 (MDT)

>       RawVideoFileBuffer is now a templated class. This allows the
> VideoFileBuffer to correctly return frames of type Rgb<byte>.

As fas as I knew, the previous system worked with Rgb<byte> frames. Was 
this not the case?

I would prefer it if the code (of which there is a large amount) is kept 
in the .cc file, since RawVideoFileBuffer contains almost no type 
dependent code.

Essentially, at some point a cast has to happen between ffmpeg's data 
(uint_8) and the compile time CVD image type. In the new version, this 
happens on line 433 (videofilebuffer.h, version 1.12). The only other 
piece of type dependent code is in the allocation of a memory buffer (must 
be 3x bigger for Rgb). This could be allocated in VideoFileBiffer 
and the data passed as a void pointer, or simply 3x the memory could be 
allocated (the old version).

Reducing the amount of code in the headers would speed up compile time and 
also give the benefits of shared libraries (ie bugs fixed in the library 
code don't require the main program to be recompiled).


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