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Re: Directories traversal (was Re: the deadly hypercube of death, or: ha

From: Bas Wijnen
Subject: Re: Directories traversal (was Re: the deadly hypercube of death, or: handling permissions)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:01:33 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060403

On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 01:44:35PM +0200, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
> Scribit Marcus Brinkmann dies 28/04/2006 hora 01:54:
> > > Where will these user mutable filesystem reside?
> > Whereever we want it to be.  It could be in the form of a union
> > filesystem.
> Have you already thought about how exactly this could be implemented? In
> Unix, users typically occupy a partition, where they can have quotas or
> not. The FS deals with allocating space to each user. If each user has
> it's FS, we must at least add an allocator layer between the storage
> itself and the user. This could be LVM or some sort of it.

The user has a space bank on which he can store data.  Sub-space banks can be
created from it and given to programs it starts.  Space banks can be limited
to a certain size.  If you limit a user's space bank, that comes down to a

> Speaking about the users' dir, I was also wondering about how backups
> could be made of a FS that contains arbitrary translators.
> In the case of $HOME, it would probably be a waste if you backup the
> entire space allocated to the user, in same sense that is a waste to
> backup the content of a block device instead of the files contained in
> it. I think either the user gives a transitive read-only capacity to
> it's $HOME, or a capacity whose invocation returns a compact view of the
> underlying data of it's FS. It could even be encrypted, if the backup
> user should not be able to read $HOME.

I think it's a very bad idea to give the system administrator read access to
all your files, just because he wants to make backups.  There already is a
form which can be used for recovering, because we have a persistent system.
Making a backup should simply consist of copying the snapshot.  The question
is who should have the right to do this, but it makes sense that there is at
least a capability for it.

To get rid of the block device/files problem, only allocated parts of space
banks should be backed up, and not the entire allocatable space.  Optimising
more than that will lead to security and privacy issues, I think, and it's not
important enough that we should risk that.


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