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[Koha-devel] Version numbering & updating

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] Version numbering & updating
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:59:31 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070620)

Hello world,

with Koha 3.0 we will have a new web installer, that can take care of database updating.
hdl has added a Version systempref, that contains the database version.
for instance there is a <kohaversion> number in the koha.xml file.

When a user authentify itself, Koha checks that kohaversion and Version are the same, otherwise, the user is automatically redirected to the web installer for database update.

I think we can improve a little the behaviour (mainly for libLime & us : it will be an improvement only on a multi-koha setup). I would suggest to move the <kohaversion> in the code itself. Thus, when you install a new version, all your database will automatically go to update the 1st time the user logs in, on each virtual host / library.

How can we handle database updates during development stages ?
If I add a systempref, of a column, how to have LibLime and other devs handle that ?
I suggest that version could be a long number, like in Perl :
N is 3 (until it becomes 4 ;-) )
SS is the version number (00 for instance)
TT is the 3rd level version number (00 for instance too)
VVV is the developper subrelease number.

An example, based on koha 2.2.9 (but I propose this method for Koha 3.0 only, of course)
We are currently in Koha 2.0209001
I add a column to the table items, it's called mycolumn, it's a date.

I will add to updatedatabase :
if ($DBversion < 2.0209002) {
   $dbh->do("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
   $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `items` ADD `mycolumn` DATE NOT NULL");
$DBversion = 2.0209002; $dbh->do("UPDATE systempref set value=$DBversion where parameter='Version'");

Once it is in the public code, every developper will automatically be redirected to the updatedatabase page, without having to take care of what I have commited ;-)

What do you think of this idea ?

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie 
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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