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[Koha-devel] Koha localization

From: Partha Mukhopadhyay
Subject: [Koha-devel] Koha localization
Date: Mon Sep 12 00:19:23 2005

Dear friends,

Finally I have done koha localization (in Bengali lanuage - an Indian regional 
language) for both the version Windows and Linux. The procedure I adopted is as 

1. I copied npl directory under opac-template in a new folder npl_bengali.

2. Then changed charset=ISO-8859-1 to charset=UTF-8 everywhre it 
(charset=ISO-8859-1) appeared in .INC file under /include directory.

3. In the system parameter setup I then changed opac theme to npl_bengali (it 
appeared as an option automatically).

4. Finally used an Unicode compliant virtual keyboard (Avro) to enter query, to 
enter cataloguing data and to change interface language.

5. It works nicely. I have also tested import and export of koah data 
(bibliogaphic, members etc.) in mysql directly and found it works correctly.

6. I'm entering data in linux server through windows XP client becaues virtual 
keyboard is available in windows version only. Possibly in future we'll 
overcome this limitation also.

Thanks a lot to contributors in koha mailing list.

Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Lecturer, Deptt. of Library and Inf. Sc.
Vidyasagar University, India

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