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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr structure_def.sql,1.3,1.

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr structure_def.sql,1.3,1.4
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 08:59:40 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr
In directory 

Modified Files:
Log Message:
MARC structure updated for 2.1.0

Index: structure_def.sql
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr/structure_def.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** structure_def.sql   13 Feb 2003 15:05:58 -0000      1.3
--- structure_def.sql   29 Jun 2004 15:59:37 -0000      1.4
*** 1,1513 ****
! # phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
! # version 2.2.6-rc1
! # http://phpwizard.net/phpMyAdmin/
! # http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/ (download page)
! #
! # Host: localhost
! # Generation Time: Feb 13, 2003 at 04:04 PM
! # Server version: 3.23.52
! # PHP Version: 4.2.3
! # Database : `koha_dombes`
[...2978 lines suppressed...]
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'd', 
'Etablissement prêteur ou déposant, donnée codée', '', 0, 0, '', -1, '', 
'', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'g', 'code 
à barres, préfixe', '', 0, 0, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'h', 'code 
à barres, incrémentation', '', 0, 0, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'i', 'code 
à barres, suffixe', '', 0, 0, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'k', 
'cote', 'cote', 0, 1, 'items.itemcallnumber', 10, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'l', 
'volumaison', '', 0, 1, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'm', 'date 
de prêt ou de dépôt', '', 0, 0, 'items.datelastseen', 10, '', '', '', NULL, 
NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'n', 'date 
de restitution prévue', 'à rendre pour le', 0, 0, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, 
NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'o', 
'empruntable (0), ou non (1)', '', 0, 1, 'items.notforloan', 10, '01', '', '', 
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'q', 
'public visé', '', 0, 0, '', -1, 'PUBLIC', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'r', 'type 
de document et support matériel', '', 0, 1, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 
'', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 's', 
'élément de tri', '', 0, 1, '', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'u', 
'note', '', 0, 0, 'items.itemnotes', 10, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('090', 'a', 
'Numéro biblioitem (koha)', '', 0, 0, 'biblioitems.biblioitemnumber', -1, '', 
'', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('410', '@', 
'numéro d'identification de la notice', '', 0, 0, '', -1, '', '', '', 
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', '9', 
'itemnumber (koha)', '', 0, 0, 'items.itemnumber', -1, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 
'', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'e', 
'niveau de localisation', '', 0, 1, '', 10, 'LOCAL', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('001', '@', 
'Numéro d'identification notice', '', 0, 0, '', 3, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 
'', NULL);
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('454', '@', 
'numéro d'identification de la notice', '', 0, 0, '', -1, '', '', '', 
! INSERT INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, 
libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, 
value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso) VALUES ('995', 'f', 
'Numéro d\'inventaire', '', 0, 0, '', 10, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL);

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