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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc/translator text-extract2.pl,NONE,1.1

From: Ambrose Li
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc/translator text-extract2.pl,NONE,1.1
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 00:55:16 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/translator
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2685

Added Files:
Log Message:
This is an experimental filter, based on simple scanning, that *should*
(ultimately) work better than the standard filter based on real parsing
of the .tmpl files.

--- NEW FILE ---

# Test filter partially based on Ambrose's hideous subst.pl code
# The idea is that the .tmpl files are not valid HTML, and as a result
# HTML::Parse would be completely confused by these templates.
# This is just a simple scanner (not a parser) & should give better results.

# This script is meant to be a drop-in replacement of text-extract.pl

# FIXME: Trailing spaces are not yet handled correctly

use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

use vars qw( $input );
use vars qw( $debug_dump_only_p );


# Hideous stuff from subst.pl
# Note: The $re_tag's set $1 (<tag), $2 (>), and $3 (rest of string)
use vars qw( $re_comment $re_entity_name $re_end_entity $re_etag );
use vars qw( $re_tag_strict $re_tag_compat @re_tag );
sub re_tag ($) {
   my($compat) = @_;
   my $etag = $compat? '>': '<>\/';
   # See the file "subst.pl.test1" for how the following mess is derived
   q{(<\/?(?:|(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|--(?:[^-]|-[^-])*--|(?:[^-"'} . $etag . 
q{]|-[^-]))+))([} . $etag . q{])(.*)};
    $re_comment = '(?:--(?:[^-]|-[^-])*--)';
    $re_entity_name = '(?:[^&%#;<>\s]+)'; # NOTE: not really correct SGML
    $re_end_entity = '(?:;|$|(?=\s))'; # semicolon or before-whitespace
    $re_etag = q{(?:<\/?(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^"'>\/])*[>\/])}; # end-tag
    @re_tag = ($re_tag_strict, $re_tag_compat) = (re_tag(0), re_tag(1));

# End of the hideous stuff

use vars qw( $re_directive );
    # $re_directive must not do any backreferences
    $re_directive = 

sub KIND_TEXT      () { 'TEXT' }
sub KIND_CDATA     () { 'CDATA' }
sub KIND_TAG       () { 'TAG' }
sub KIND_DECL      () { 'DECL' }
sub KIND_PI        () { 'PI' }
sub KIND_DIRECTIVE () { 'HTML::Template' }
sub KIND_COMMENT   () { 'COMMENT' }   # empty DECL with exactly one SGML comment
sub KIND_UNKNOWN   () { 'ERROR' }

use vars qw( $readahead $lc_0 $lc $syntaxerror_p );
use vars qw( $cdata_mode_p $cdata_close );

sub extract_attributes ($;$) {
    my($s, $lc) = @_;
    my %attr;
    $s = $1 if $s =~ /^<\S+(.*)\S$/s; # should be always true
    for (my $i = 0; $s =~ 
        my($key, $val, $val_orig, $rest)
                = ($1, (defined $3? $3: defined $4? $4: $5), $2, $');
        $i += 1;
        $attr{+lc($key)} = [$key, $val, $val_orig, $i];
        $s = $rest;
    if ($s =~ /\S/s) { # should never happen
        warn "Warning: Strange attribute syntax"
                . (defined $lc? " in line $lc": '') . ": $s\n";
    } else {
    return \%attr;

sub next_token_internal (*) {
    my($h) = @_;
    my($it, $kind);
    my $eof_p = 0;
    if (!defined $readahead || !length $readahead) {
        my $next = scalar <$h>;
        $eof_p = !defined $next;
        if (!$eof_p) {
            $lc += 1;
            $readahead .= $next;
    $lc_0 = $lc;                        # remember line number of first line
    if ($eof_p && !length $readahead) { # nothing left to do
    } elsif ($readahead =~ /^\s+/s) {   # whitespace
        ($kind, $it, $readahead) = (KIND_TEXT, $&, $');
    } elsif ($readahead =~ /^[^<]+/s) { # non-whitespace normal text
        ($kind, $it, $readahead) = (KIND_TEXT, $&, $');
    } else {                            # tag/declaration/processing instruction
        my $ok_p = 0;
        for (;;) {
            if ($cdata_mode_p) {
                if ($readahead =~ /^$cdata_close/) {
                    ($kind, $it, $readahead) = (KIND_TAG, $&, $');
                    $ok_p = 1;
                } else {
                    ($kind, $it, $readahead) = (KIND_TEXT, $readahead, undef);
                    $ok_p = 1;
            } elsif ($readahead =~ /^$re_tag_compat/os) {
                ($kind, $it, $readahead) = (KIND_TAG, "$1$2", $3);
                $ok_p = 1;
            } elsif ($readahead =~ /^<!--(?:(?!-->).)*-->/s) {
                ($kind, $it, $readahead) = (KIND_COMMENT, $&, $');
                $ok_p = 1;
                warn "Warning: Syntax error in comment at line $lc_0: $&\n";
                $syntaxerror_p = 1;
        last if $ok_p;
            my $next = scalar <$h>;
            $eof_p = !defined $next;
        last if $eof_p;
            $lc += 1;
            $readahead .= $next;
        if ($kind ne KIND_TAG) {
        } elsif ($it =~ /^<!/) {
            $kind = KIND_DECL;
            $kind = KIND_COMMENT if $it =~ /^<!--(?:(?!-->).)*-->/;
        } elsif ($it =~ /^<\?/) {
            $kind = KIND_PI;
        if ($it =~ /^$re_directive/ios && !$cdata_mode_p) {
            $kind = KIND_DIRECTIVE;
        ($kind, $it) = (KIND_UNKNOWN, $readahead)
                if !$ok_p && $eof_p && !length $readahead;
    return defined $it? (wantarray? ($kind, $it):
                                    [$kind, $it]): undef;

sub next_token (*) {
    my($h) = @_;
    my $it;
    if (!$cdata_mode_p) {
        $it = next_token_internal($h);
        if (defined $it && $it->[0] eq KIND_TAG) { # FIXME
            ($cdata_mode_p, $cdata_close) = (1, "</$1\\s*>")
                    if $it->[1] =~ /^<(script|style|textarea)\b/i; #FIXME
            push @$it, extract_attributes($it->[1], $lc); #FIXME
    } else {
        for (;;) {
            my $lc_prev = $lc;
            my $next = next_token_internal($h);
        last if !defined $next;
            if (defined $next && $next->[1] =~ /$cdata_close/i) { #FIXME
                ($lc, $readahead) = ($lc_prev, $next->[1] . $readahead); #FIXME
                $cdata_mode_p = 0;
        last unless $cdata_mode_p;
            $it .= $next->[1]; #FIXME
        $it = [KIND_CDATA, $it] if defined $it; #FIXME
        $cdata_close = undef;
    return defined $it? (wantarray? @$it: $it): undef;


sub debug_dump (*) { # for testing only
    my($h) = @_;
    print "re_tag_compat is /$re_tag_compat/\n";
    for (;;) {
        my $s = next_token $h;
    last unless defined $s;
        printf "%s\n", ('-' x 79);
        my($kind, $t, $attr) = @$s; # FIXME
        printf "%s:\n", $kind;
        printf "%4dH%s\n", length($t),
                join('', map {/[\0-\37]/? $_: "$_\b$_"} split(//, $t));
        if ($kind eq KIND_TAG && %$attr) {
            printf "Attributes:\n";
            for my $a (keys %$attr) {
                my($key, $val, $val_orig, $order) = @{$attr->{$a}};
                printf "%s = %dH%s -- %s\n", $a, length $val,
                join('', map {/[\0-\37]/? $_: "$_\b$_"} split(//, $val)),


sub text_extract (*) {
    my($h) = @_;
    my %text = ();
    for (;;) {
        my $s = next_token $h;
    last unless defined $s;
        my($kind, $t, $attr) = @$s; # FIXME
        if ($kind eq KIND_TEXT) {
            $text{$t} = 1 if $t =~ /\S/s; # FIXME... trailing whitespace
        } elsif ($kind eq KIND_TAG && %$attr) {
            # value [tag=input], meta
            my $tag = lc($1) if $t =~ /^<(\S+)/s;
            for my $a ('alt', 'content', 'title', 'value') {
                if ($attr->{$a}) {
                    next if $a eq 'content' && $tag ne 'meta';
                    next if $a eq 'value' && $tag ne 'input';
                    my($key, $val, $val_orig, $order) = @{$attr->{$a}};
                    $text{$val} = 1 if $val =~ /\S/s;
    for my $t (keys %text) {
        printf "%s\n", $t unless $t =~ /^(?:\s|\&nbsp;)*$/;


    'f|file=s' => \$input,
    'debug-dump-only-p' => \$debug_dump_only_p,
) || exit(-1);

open(INPUT, "<$input") || die "$0: $input: $!\n";
if ($debug_dump_only_p) {
} else {

warn "Warning: This input will not work with Mozilla standards-compliant mode\n"
        if $syntaxerror_p;

close INPUT;

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