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Re: [Jessie-discuss] Paypal https failure

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: Re: [Jessie-discuss] Paypal https failure
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:02:43 -0800

On Nov 27, 2007, at 3:03 AM, Eric Wong wrote:

On Nov 27, 2007 8:54 AM, Casey Marshall <address@hidden> wrote:
This is likely a bug in X.509 certificate parsing. might
have updated their certificate to include something the code isn't
prepared to handle (the "" thing is probably an OID; and the
certificate parser might not handle that).

It would be helpful if you can figure out where in the code the
SSLProtocolException is being thrown, and find what's throwing the
original IllegalArgumentException.

GCJ 3.4.1, Jessie 1.0, and GNU Crypto are all somewhat old at this
point. We've been more actively maintaining these things in GNU

Does that help if I upgrade GNU Crypto, say 2.1.0 dev release or
current CVS? What about Jessie 1.0.1?

That may not do it; the code that's problematic here is in libgcj. You can, however, replace that code at run-time with another certificate parsing library (it uses a similar pluggable architecture).

I tried this with GCJ 4.2.1, and it works almost out of the box (Jessie and GNU Crypto are both included in that release). Grabbing the 'gnu/java/security/cert' package from GNU Classpath (or GCJ) is a place to start.

And, thank you for this wonderful library.

Here's the complete stack trace:
Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown attribute
  at _ZN4java4lang11VMThrowable16fillInStackTraceEPNS0_9ThrowableE
at _ZN4java4lang9Throwable16fillInStackTraceEv (/opt/gcc/lib/ at _ZN4java4lang9ThrowableC1EPNS0_6StringE (/opt/gcc/lib/ 5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang9ExceptionC1EPNS0_6StringE (/opt/gcc/lib/ 5.0.0)
  at _ZN4java2io11IOExceptionC1EPNS_4lang6StringE
  at _ZN5javax3net3ssl12SSLExceptionC1EPN4java4lang6StringE
Caused by:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown attribute
  at _ZN4java4lang11VMThrowable16fillInStackTraceEPNS0_9ThrowableE
at _ZN4java4lang9Throwable16fillInStackTraceEv (/opt/gcc/lib/ at _ZN4java4lang9ThrowableC1EPNS0_6StringE (/opt/gcc/lib/ 5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang9ExceptionC1EPNS0_6StringE (/opt/gcc/lib/ 5.0.0)
  at _ZN4java8security24GeneralSecurityExceptionC1EPNS_4lang6StringE
  at _ZN4java8security4cert20CertificateExceptionC1EPNS_4lang6StringE
at _ZN3gnu4java8security4x50915X509CertificateC1EPN4java2io11InputStreamE
at _ZN3gnu4java8security8provider22X509CertificateFactory12generateCertEPN4java2io11InputStreamE
at _ZN3gnu4java8security8provider22X509CertificateFactory25engineGenerateCertificateEPN4java2io11InputStreamE
at _ZN4java8security4cert18CertificateFactory19generateCertificateEPNS_2io11InputStreamE
at _ZN3org10metastatic6jessie8provider11Certificate4readEPN4java2io11InputStreamEPNS2_15CertificateTypeE

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