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[Jessie-discuss] Creating a certificate - initialising KeyManagerFactory

From: Martin Egholm Nielsen
Subject: [Jessie-discuss] Creating a certificate - initialising KeyManagerFactory from source
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 10:28:53 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050319

Hi there,

Comming closer to getting Jessie up and spinning, I've stumbled into yet another question: Is it possible to initialise the KeyManagerFactory with certificate-"stuff" created at runtime?

I reckon I cannot use the initialise-method taking a KeyStore, since Jessie requires this being pre-initialised. And I recall having seen in the doc that Jessie doesn't have a keystore-"implementation" - so this is out of the question.

So I put all my faith in the "PrivateCredentials"-class. However, initialising this requires a stream to a certificate-chain: PrivateCredentials#add(InputStream,InputStream)
and this requires this chain to be created somehow.
And that's is actually my question: Can I create this certificate-chain stuff at runtime - using just Jessie, GNU Crypto, and GCJ/Classpath?

The motivation: I'm creating an embedded application that is going out to many customers. I would like each of these applications to have a unique (snakeoil) certificate, so that in case one certificate's private key is compromised, none of the others are endangered.

 Martin Egholm

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