Hello John,
It would indeed be great if the FSF could maintain a small cluster
of publicly accessible (not NATed) OpenDHT nodes,
ideally pointed to by DNS (something like opendht.gnu.org or dht.gnu.io would be nice).
Running public, stable DHT nodes improves connectivity for Ring users,
especially during peak churn rate (when many nodes join/leave the network at the same time).
Committing to run a public stable node on the long run would also allow us to add this
node in the list of Ring default bootstrap DHT nodes, making Ring
more resilient and independent from infrastructure run by Savoir-faire Linux.
The best way to run OpenDHT nodes is to use the dhtnode tool.
To administrate instances of dhtnode more easily, I just made a systemd service
for dhtnode (on the git master of OpenDHT). It binds on the default opendht port (4222) and
uses bootstrap.ring.cx as its bootstrap node by default.
See this page
for documentation about how to use dhtnode.
Ideally these nodes should be administrated by the FSF,
in order to have public dht nodes administrated by as many different organizations
as possible, however it's also possible for SFL to administrate nodes
run on FSF infrastructure.
Best regards,
Adrien Beraud
Ring project, Savoir-faire Linux
De: "John Sullivan" <address@hidden>
À: address@hidden
Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden
Envoyé: Lundi 22 Mai 2017 18:13:45
Objet: [Ring] FSF hosting a Ring server?
RMS mentioned that you were interested in having FSF host a "Ring
server". Can you send us more details about what that would entail? We
are very tight on sysadmin resources right now, so whether we can do it
would depend on the details, and what the benefits to Ring and Ring
users would be.
John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: A462 6CBA FF37 6039 D2D7 5544 97BA 9CE7 61A0 963B
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