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Re: HTML URL viewer for Windows

From: Stephen Leake
Subject: Re: HTML URL viewer for Windows
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:45:11 -0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1 (windows-nt)

Slackrat <> writes:

> The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
> that has been posted to gnu.emacs.gnus as well.
> Can  someone please clue me in what App I should use for viewing an URL
> embedded in a message when I am using gnus on a Windows machine please

I use this home grown stuff (below). 'sal-find-file-at-point' is bound
to C-F12; position point on the URL, hit C-F12, and your favorite
browser pops up.

(defconst sal-find-file-external-alist
    ((equal window-system 'x)
      (cons "^ftp://"; 'browse-url-at-point)
      (cons "^http://"; 'browse-url-at-point)
      (cons "^https://"; 'browse-url-at-point)
      (cons "\\.doc$" (lambda (file) (start-process "ooffice" nil "ooffice" 
"-doc" file)))
      (cons "\\.ods$" (lambda (file) (start-process "ooffice" nil "ooffice" 
"-calc" file)))
      (cons "\\.pdf$" (lambda (file) (start-process "acroread" nil "acroread" 
      (cons "\\.xls$" (lambda (file) (start-process "ooffice" nil "ooffice" 
"-calc" file)))

    ((equal window-system 'w32)
     ;; Tried using .* 'sal-w32-open, but then Makefiles don't open in Emacs
;      (cons "^file://" 'browse-url-at-point) uses w32 start; need to strip 
      (cons "^ftp://"; 'browse-url-at-point)
      (cons "^http://"; 'browse-url-at-point)
      (cons "^https://"; 'browse-url-at-point)
;      (cons "\\.adp$" 'sal-w32-open) ; MS Access database, but also Emacs Ada 
project file
      (cons "\\.bmp$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.bz2$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.cl5$" 'sal-w32-open) ; Roxio CD projects
      (cons "\\.doc$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.docx$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.dll$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.dvi$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.exe$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.fm$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.glade$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.gif$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.gz$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.hlp$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.ide$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.info$" 'info)
      (cons "\\.iss$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.jpg$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.mdb$" 'sal-w32-open) ; MS Access database
      (cons "\\.mdl$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.mime$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.mp3$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.mpp$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.nri$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.ods$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.pdb$" 'sal-w32-open) ; palm database
      (cons "\\.pdf$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.ps$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.png$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.ppt$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.prc$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.qpf$" 'sal-w32-open) ; Quartus project file
      (cons "\\.rtf$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.tgz$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.tiff$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.tif$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.vsd$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.vwf$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.xls$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.xlsx$" 'sal-w32-open)
      (cons "\\.zap$" '(lambda (file) (sal-w32-rename-open file ".zip"))) ; 
stupid mail filter workaround
      (cons "\\.zip$" 'sal-w32-open)
  "Alist of regexp matching files that should not be opened in emacs.
Association gives defun that does external openning - defun takes one
argument, the filename.")

(defun sal-find-file-at-point ()
  "Find file at point. If region is active, use that instead. Prefix
arg means other window. If directory or not found, prompt. Filenames
matching `sal-find-file-external-alist' are handled specially. Also,
strings starting with ! are executed in a shell instead of being
  (require 'ffap)
  ;; We handle web addresses thru
  ;; sal-find-file-external-alist rather than thing-at-point 'url,
  ;; because thing-at-point does not insist on the leading 'http://',
  ;; which makes web addresses indistinguishable from file paths.
  (let* ((file
          (if mark-active
              (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark))
         (command (sal-assoc-regexp file sal-find-file-external-alist))
         (guess (expand-file-name (substitute-in-file-name file))))
    ;; allow arbitrary shell commands via leading !.
     ((= ?! (aref file 0))
      ;; this runs the default shell; need a way to specify a shell
      (shell-command (substring file 1)))

      (funcall command guess))

      ;; open in emacs
      (if (file-directory-p guess)
          (setq guess
                (ffap-read-file-or-url "Find file: " guess)))
      (if current-prefix-arg
          (if guess
              (find-file-other-window guess)
            (call-interactively 'find-file-other-window))
        (if (and guess (file-exists-p guess))
            (find-file guess)
          ; FIXME: default prompt to 'guess', so user can add extension (for 
          (call-interactively 'find-file))

-- Stephe

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