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Re: message-signature-file toggled to nil locally

From: Slackrat
Subject: Re: message-signature-file toggled to nil locally
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:42:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

"Sebastian P. Luque" a écrit profondement:

| On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 11:59:02 -0600,
| Sebastian P. Luque <> wrote:
| > The problem is that if I want to change the signature, say through
| > 'C-c C-w' (message-insert-signature), or gnus-personalities, then any
| > reference to this variable doesn't do what's expected.
| So how can one use these variables (message-signature,
| message-signature-file), or function message-insert-signature when in
| writing a message?  Anybody using gnus-pers.el got it successfully
| switching personalities?

Did you ever contemplate using randomsig.el ?

You can put sigs to go with whatever personality you happen to be
using as defined by your posting profiles in /home/inconnu/.signature/
to use as a standard and still randomly override it with a different
random signature which is either truly random or selectable from your
signature list 

As you will observe, I have 160 available and my sig on this message
is a sample

[cite .gnus posting profiles signature]

(setq gnus-posting-styles
         (name mail-user-name)
         ("X-Guarantee" "This email is certified to have been free
             of UCE and any other Malicious, Harmful or
             Annoying Content when originally sent by
             <user> - Azurservers post
             SPF records and do not condone SPAM type
         (signature-file "~/.signature/DEFAULTSIGNATURE")
         ("X-Homepage" "";)
         ("X-Operating-System" "Kernel=Intel-Linux, Programmes=GNU, 
         ("X-Azurservers-AuthNo" "Registered as AZSV bghkd8332277")
         (organization "Not very much!"))

         (signature-file "~/.signature/TESTERSIGNATURE")
         (name "Tester-Tester Tester")
         (address "")
         ("Fcc" "~/Mail/sent-alt-test")

         (signature-file "~/.signature/RECSIGNATURE")
         (name "Davey Crockett")
         (address "")
         ("Fcc" "~/Mail/sent-rec")

         (signature-file "~/.signature/GNUSIGNATURE")
         (name "Slackrat")
         (address "")
         ("Fcc" "~/Mail/sent-gnu"))

         ("To" "Press Media <>")
         (signature-file "~/.signature/ENGLANDFIRSTSIGNATURE")
         (name "YOUR-PSEUDONYM")
         (address "")
         ("Fcc" "~/Mail/sent-england-first")
         ("Bcc" "inconnu")
[snip about 200 others here]


[/cite .gnus posting profiles signature]

[cite .gnus random signature]


;; First put randomsig.el in site-lisp dir
;; #######################################

;; TO MAKE IT WORK, put the following lines into your ~/.gnus:

 (require 'randomsig)
 (define-key message-mode-map (kbd "C-c s") 'randomsig-replace-sig)
 (define-key message-mode-map (kbd "C-c S") 'randomsig-select-sig)
 (require 'gnus-sum) ; probably required for `gnus-summary-save-map'
 (define-key gnus-summary-save-map "-" 'gnus/randomsig-summary-read-sig)
 (setq randomsig-dir "/home/USERNAME/.signature/random-signature")
 (setq randomsig-files '(
"001" "002" "003" "004" "005" "006" "007" "008" "009" "010" "011" "012" "013" 
"014" "015" "016" "017" "018" "019" "020"
"021" "022" "023" "024" "025" "026" "027" "028" "029" "030" "031" "032" "033" 
"034" "035" "036" "037" "038" "039" "040"
"041" "042" "043" "044" "045" "046" "047" "048" "049" "050" "051" "052" "053" 
"054" "055" "056" "057" "058" "059" "060" 
"061" "062" "063" "064" "065" "066" "067" "068" "069" "070" "071" "072" "073" 
"074" "075" "076" "077" "078" "079" "080"
"081" "082" "083" "084" "085" "086" "087" "088" "089" "090" "091" "092" "093" 
"094" "095" "096" "097" "098" "099" "100"
"101" "102" "103" "104" "105" "106" "107" "108" "109" "110" "111" "112" "113" 
"114" "115" "116" "117" "118" "119" "120"
"121" "122" "123" "124" "125" "126" "127" "128" "129" "130" "131" "132" "133" 
"134" "135" "136" "137" "138" "139" "140"
"141" "142" "143" "144" "145" "146" "147" "148" "149" "114" "151" "152" "153" 
"154" "155" "156" "157" "158" "159" "160"
 ;; or (setq randomsig-files (randomsig-search-sigfiles))
 ;; or (setq randomsig-files 'randomsig-search-sigfiles)
 (setq message-signature 'randomsig-signature)

;; This will also define the shortcut `C-c s' in message-mode to
;; change the signature, `C-c S' in message-mode to interactively
;; select the signature to replace the current signature, and `O -' in
;; gnus-summary-mode to read the signature from the selected mail.

;; `randomsig-files' must be a list of existing files, an existing
;; file, or a function returning a list of existing files. If these
;; don't have absolute paths, they are located in `randomsig-dir'.

;; File format: Each file must contain at least one signature.
;; Signatures are separated with `randomsig-delimiter-pattern'. If
;; there is only one signature in the file, the delimiter can be
;; omitted, so real .signature-files can be used.

;; `randomsig-delimiter' is used when inserting new signatures with
;; `randomsig-message-read-sig' into the signature file. So
;; `randomsig-delimiter' should match `randomsig-delimiter-pattern'.

;; `randomsig-static-string' is put in front of every random signature
;; if non-`nil'.

;; The *-read-sig functions read the signature of a message, or use
;; the marked text, and write it to a signature-file, for which the
;; name is asked. If the file does not exist, it will be generated.
;; When called with any prefix, the signatures will be offered to edit
;; before saving.

;; if `randomsig-replace-sig' is called with any prefix, it will ask
;; for a file to get the signature from.

;; `randomsig-select-sig' will offer a list of signatures to select
;; from in an extra buffer. n will jump to the next signature, p to
;; the previous, RET will insert the selected signature, q will exit
;; the selection buffer without replacing the current signature, R
;; will reload the signature-files, and e will open a buffer for
;; editing the signature at the point. When called with any prefix, it
;; will ask for a file to get the signatures from
;; `randomsig-search-sigfiles' will search for regular files in
;; `randomsig-dir', which do not match `randomsig-search-unwanted'. A
;; subdirectory of `randomsig-dir' can be given as optional argument.

;; Completion will only work for files in `randomsig-files', though
;; others files can be used, too.

[/cite .gnus]

SlackRat - 4Q to Reply 
-- .
To the Thieving Cowardly Traitor Bush, the "war on terror" is the ruling
mantra of his politics of fear. Since 9/11 gave a prop to his
weakening presidency, his language has scaled new heights of alarmist
rhetoric. It has validated every internal repression and every
external war. "He who is not with us is against us," he cries ... This
so-called war on terror has filled the pockets of those profiting from
it. It has killed thousands, immiserated millions and infringed the
liberty of hundreds of millions. The only rough justice it has
delivered is to ruin the careers of those who propagated it. Tony
Blair was driven to early resignation. Bush has been humiliated and
Musharraf's wretched rule brought close to an overdue end.

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