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Gnus with cygnus & Earthlink is hanging and flaky for me

From: Darin Johnson
Subject: Gnus with cygnus & Earthlink is hanging and flaky for me
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 03:12:11 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Rational FORTRAN, cygwin32)

I'm having trouble with Gnus under cygwin using Earthlink news
servers.  Things just hang often, requiring me to use C-g to
interrupt, or to quit gnus/emacs and restart.  When it hangs there
seems to be a lot of activity on my DSL modem, but I can't tell what
Gnus is doing since there are not messages.

Sometimes is hangs when it says it's reading the active file,
but then I set gnus-read-active-file to nil.  Sometimes it hangs
when trying to move to the next article, and then when I get tired
of waiting I press C-g to interrupt, press space to read the article,
and I get the message about openning a connection, and the article
comes up.  My gnus-use-article-prefetch was only 4, so it should
have prefetched quickly.  I then gave up and set gnus-asynchronous
to nil, just so I could get some news reading done.  But it is still
flaky at times.  I've also set nntp-buggy-select to t.

I don't know if it's a problem with the Earthlink servers, with
Cygwin, or Gnus itself.
  Gnus 5.10.6
  Cygnus 1.5.13
Darin Johnson
    Laziness is the father of invention

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