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nnml: regenerate old messages cache

From: Arnaud Vandyck
Subject: nnml: regenerate old messages cache
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 13:56:03 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


I'm not sure if I already asked this question but I don't remember
having read an answer so please, thanks to answer on the group *and* to
my private mail, thanks.

I sometimes mark messages in nnml groups and when unmark the message,
when I want to show *all* the articles in the group '/ o', I don't see
*all* the articles.

Is there a way to 'reset' the cache?

Many thanks for your time and patience ;-)


Arnaud Vandyck

BASIC, n.:
        A programming language.  Related to certain social diseases in
        that those who have it will not admit it in polite company.

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