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New GNU ELPA package: jarchive - Open project dependencies in jar archiv

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: New GNU ELPA package: jarchive - Open project dependencies in jar archives
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 09:31:05 -0500

    Summary: Open project dependencies in jar archives
   Requires: emacs-26.1
   Keywords: tools languages jvm java clojure 
 Maintainer: Danny Freeman <>

Jarchive teaches emacs how to open project dependencies that reside inside jar 

# Package status

This package is still under active development.
Right now it should be relatively stable. 
Any important or breaking changes will now be noted in the CHANGELOG.

It current works well with eglot on the Emacs master branch.
I've also included a patch for legacy versions of eglot that are not yet up to 
date with Emacs master.

See the [CHANGELOG](item/ "change log") for more information.

# Installing

This package is not available on any package repositories yet.

Write now I recommend cloning this repository and adding it to your emacs 

``` emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/jarchive")

There is also an example of a [guix 

Load and initialize the repository

``` emacs-lisp
(require 'jarchive)
(with-eval-after-load "init"

or interactively, via `M-x jarchive-setup`.

## Working with Eglot

Jarchive will open jar dependencies provided to Eglot by lsp servers.

If you are using an older version of Eglot, like the melpa version released on 
[2022-10-20]( "Eglot Melpa 
Release 2022-10-20"), then you need to call `jarchive-patch-eglot` after Eglot 
is loaded, like so

``` emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'eglot

This is _not_ required on newer versions of eglot. Installs that are up to date 
with eglot on [ELPA devel]( "Eglot ELPA 
Devel Release") or eglot bundled with emacs 29 will work without patching.
This patch function is included so those on older releases of eglot can also 
take advantage of this package.
Eventually it will be removed (with some advanced notice).

## Note about when to call `jarchive-setup`

Some Emacs distributions like [Doom]( 
(and many personal configurations), set the `file-name-handler-alist` var to 
nil on startup, then restore it's value when startup is complete.

If this is the case for you, `jarchive-setup` should be called AFTER everything 
is initialized.
This package modifies `file-name-handler-alist`, so it relies on it _not_ being 
reset after `jarchive-setup` is invoked.

# Usage

With it enabled, things like this will open up `page.clj` in a read-only buffer.

``` emacs-lisp

When using eglot connected to a JVM language server, invoking 
`xref-find-definitions` should correctly open any dependencies that reside in 
JAR files.

## Other usage considerations

If you want eglot to manage the opened jar'd file in your project's current lsp 
session, set
``` emacs-lisp
(setq eglot-extend-to-xref t) 
This will allow xref to work across your project and the opened file.

If you do not want that, the eglot will probably start a new server to manage 
the newly opened file.
There are legitimate reasons to do this, because including it in the current 
LSP session will mean it is included when looking up references.
Large files, like the clojure core library, could create a lot of noise in xref 
Another recommendation if you don't want them managed by eglot is to set
``` emacs-lisp
(setq eglot-autoshutdown t)
so that the transient lsp server that is started when opening the file is 
closed along with it.

## Language server compatibility

I personally only test this with [clojure-lsp](
I have heard from other users that it also works with some unspecified java 
language server.
Any language server that provides jar: scheme URIs should be picked up by this 
If it doesn't, please let me know and I'd be happy to take a look.

## Questions and Bugs

Questions and patches can be submitted to the [mailing 

Bugs can be submitted here: [bug 
Any bugs found should include steps to reproduce. 
If possible, and example repository containing a project and instructions (or a 
nix shell) for installing the language servers would be appreciated.

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