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RE: Directories commons a two or more sources.

From: Jim.Hyslop
Subject: RE: Directories commons a two or more sources.
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 10:02:01 -0500

Carlos Eduardo Brock wrote:
> I need configure the cvs to many directorys as commom to many
> projects, like this example:
> ...
> |--source
> |  +-comom_x
> |  | +-files off commons x
> |  +-commom_y
> |  | +-files off comuns y
> |  +-project1
> |  | +-files off project1
> |  | +-simbolic link off ../commom_x/
> |  | +-simbolic link off ../commom_y/
> |  +-project2
> |    +-files off project1
> |    +-simbolic link off ../commom_y/ only, commom_x not needed.
> ...
> To day my makes files commpile/link with the files on the same
> directory, becous the symbolic links, but I don't know how configure
> the cvs for this.
Check in exactly as you have it, *except* for the symbolic links. Your CVS
repository structure will then be:

    | +-files off commons x
    | +-files off comuns y
    | +-files off project1
      +-files off project1

Now, there are a few ways you can finish your configuration:
1) CVS modules
add common_x and common_y as distinct modules in the CVSROOT/modules file.
Project1 and Project2 use "ampersand modules" for common_x and common_y (see for
details on CVS modules)

2) symlinks
In the repository itself, create symlinks within project1 and project2, that
point to the common directories.

3) makefile
Create a makefile that has a 'checkout' target, where the checkout target
checks out the common directories.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. ( )
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( )

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