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Re: How to admin deep hierachy directories

From: Mark D. Baushke
Subject: Re: How to admin deep hierachy directories
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 00:50:36 -0800

Charles Sun <address@hidden> writes:

> I have a tool that generates many new files and folders in my working area.
> These files shall be CVS controlled.
> For example, my working area looks like:
> Project_folder --- folderA --- subfolderA1 --- fileA1.1
>                 -- folderB --- subfolderB1 --- fileB1.1
> After running my tool, it becomes:
> Project_folder --- folderA --- subfolderA1 --- fileA1.1(updated)
>                             -- subfolderA2 --- fileA2.1
>                 -- folderB --- subfolderB1 --- fileB1.1
>                                             -- fileB1.2
>                 -- folderC --- fileC.1
> I don't want to find and add each new files and folders one by one. What is
> the easiest way to maintain my working area?

I believe the easiest way is to write a script to do the job for you.
It could be as simple as

 findcvs.perl -f -d | xargs cvs add
 cvs commit -m 'Control working area files.'

given the findcvs.perl script (provided after my .signature).

> I want to add a symbolic link in my working area.  Can CVS keep this and
> distribute it to other co-developers?

No, cvs does not version control symbolic links or directories.

        -- Mark

              --------------- findcvs.perl ---------------
: # use perl
eval 'exec perl -S "$0" ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0;

# findcvs.perl - find selected [non-]cvs controlled files in the current tree.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2003, Mark D. Baushke <address@hidden>
# All rights reserved.
# You may distribute this script under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as specified in the README file that comes with the CVS
# source distribution.
# Basic algorithm:
# Find all CVS directories. The parent directory is cvs controlled.
# Read the CVS/Entries file. All entries are cvs controlled.
# All entities in the tree that are not controlled are marked.
# Determine which filenames to print and how they are to be sorted,
# based on the command-line options.

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Find;

use vars qw(%iscvs $entries $controlled
            $opt_a $opt_c $opt_d $opt_f $opt_h $opt_n $opt_r);

$entries = 'CVS/Entries';       # A CVS control file for this sandbox

&getopts('acdfhnr');            # process the command-line options

# Make sure that mixed command flags are identified. 
# Provide help if needed.
if ($opt_h || ($opt_n && $opt_c)) {
               "Usage: $0 [-c|-n] [-a|-d|-f] [-h]",
               "-c\tPrint out cvs controlled files.",
               "-n\tPrint out non-cvs controlled files (default).",
               "-a\tPrint all names (default unless -f or -d flags are used).",
               "-d\tPrint directory names.",
               "-f\tPrint file names.",
               "-f\tSort in reverse order.",
               "-h\tPrint out this usage message.",
    exit 1;

# Print out cvs controlled files by default and non-cvs controlled
# entities by request.
$controlled = ($opt_c) ? 1 : 0;

# If neither -d nor -f are on the command-line, assume -a for the
# default.
$opt_a = 1 if (! ($opt_f ||$opt_d));

# Search the current tree for cvs controlled files and directories
File::Find::find(\&wanted, '.');

# Apply the sorting desired by the user.
my @list;
if ($opt_r) {
    @list = sort { $b cmp $a } keys %iscvs;
} else {
    @list = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %iscvs;
# Go thru the list and print out those entities that were desired.
foreach my $key (@list) {
    if ($iscvs{$key} == $controlled) {
        if ($opt_a || ($opt_f && -f $key) || ($opt_d && -d $key)) {
            print $key,"\n";

# Walk thru the tree and find the filesystem entities desired
sub wanted {
    my($name) = $File::Find::name;
    my($dir) = $File::Find::dir;

    if ($_ eq 'CVS') {
        $File::Find::prune = 1; # ignore stuff in CVS directories
        $iscvs{$dir} = 1;       # this directory is cvs controlled
        proc_cvs_entries($dir) if ( -f $entries );
    } else {
        # set entries that are not CVS controlled entities
        if (!$iscvs{$name}) {
            $iscvs{$name} = 0;  # this entity is not cvs controlled

# Process a CVS/Entries file
sub proc_cvs_entries {
    my($pdir) = @_;
    my($entry, $file);

    # A typica CVS/Entries file looks like this:
    # D
    # D/<directory-name>////
    # <optionaltag>/file/...
    if (open(ENTRIES, $entries)) {
        while($entry=<ENTRIES>) {

            # Just 'D' on a line by itself indicates that all
            # subdirectories have been enumerated in the Entries file
            # already.
            next if ($entry eq 'D');

            # We don't care about anything but the name of the file
            $file = (split(/\//, $entry, 3))[1];
            $iscvs{$pdir.'/'.$file} = 1; # mark as processed
    } else {
        warn "Unable to read $entries: $!";
          --------------- end of findcvs.perl ---------------

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