From: address@hidden (Greg A. Woods)
Reply-To: address@hidden (CVS-II Discussion Mailing List)
To: "Dashamir Hoxha" <address@hidden>
CC: "Cheyne Wagner" <address@hidden>, <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Set UID bit on files
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:14:13 -0400 (EDT)
[ On Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 08:56:14 (+0200), Dashamir Hoxha wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Set UID bit on files
> I think that CVS keeps always the permissions that the file has when
> you first add it to the project. Probably this is a feature that CVS
> lacks, i.e. the ability to record the changes in the file permissions
> along with the changes in the content of the file.
CVS is not a build system. Make sure your build system sets the
permissions on the product files appropriately! (If the sources to your
build system scripts and/or makefiles are also checked into CVS then
you'll be tracking the changes in file permissions of your products
automatically too!)
BTW, I second everything that Eric said on this subject too! There is
no such thing as a secure sell script! ;-)
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098 VE3TCP <address@hidden> <address@hidden>
Planix, Inc. <address@hidden>; Secrets of the Weird <address@hidden>