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Re: Protect CVSROOT tree

From: Dale Miller
Subject: Re: Protect CVSROOT tree
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 08:17:59 -0600

Howard Zhou wrote:

> Hi, CVS users,
> CVSROOT directory tree is protect by a group permission. However this is not
> good enough since everybody in the group can go there and make change
> directly in the CVS repository.
> If you take off the group permission, then you have to figure out a way to
> make change via setuid program. However, cvs seems to ignore effective
> setuid.
> Therefore I'd like to know if there is any appropriate way to protect the
> CVSROOT repository from being modified besides the owner of the CVSROOT.
> Thanks in advance.
> Howard

I responded to this same question once before with the following:

I restrict people from being able to commit to CVSROOT by using commitinfo.

I added the following line to commitinfo:
CVSROOT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitinfo_ckuser -user=$USER

I added commitinfo_ckuser in checkoutlist so that it is available with the
other administrative files.

And my commitinfo_ckuser program looks like the following:
----------------------  < cut here > ----------------------------------
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -ws
# commitinfo_ckuser    D.Miller
#   called by commitinfo
#  $Id: commitinfo_ckuser,v 1.6 2000/09/20 16:06:46 miller Exp $
#  This program is called by $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitinfo
#  and is used to verify if user is authorized for changing CVSROOT
#  so that commit to CVSROOT files can be restricted
#  The logfile is not used at this time.

$user    = $ENV{"USER"} unless defined $user;
$CVSROOT = $ENV{"CVSROOT"} unless defined $CVSROOT;
$logfile = "$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitinfo_ckuser.log" unless defined $logfile;

print "\$CVSROOT=$CVSROOT\n";

%authorized = ($user =>0,        #prevent uninitialized variable
               'miller' =>1,     #authorized users for CVSROOT checkin
               'heuston' =>1,
               'cmbuild' =>1,
               'cmvmgr' =>1,
               'brodzell' =>1

($repository, @files) = @ARGV;

$ck_user = @ck_user = getpwnam $user;  # checking if user exists locally

if ($repository =~ /$CVSROOT\/CVSROOT/) {
    if (($authorized{$user} == 0) || ($ck_user == 0)) {
        print "You are not authorized to commit CVSROOT files.\n";
        exit 1;    # <<<<----------------------<<<<<<<<<<<

exit 0;            # <<<<----------------------<<<<<<<<<<<

# current date and time
$sec = $mday = $mday = $wday = $wday = $yday = $isdst = 0;  #not used
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = gmtime(time);
$date = sprintf("%4d%02d%02s-%02d:%02d", ($year + 1900), ($mon + 1), $mday,

open(LOGFILE, ">>$logfile") or die "Cannot append to $logfile: $!\n";

print LOGFILE "$date $user $repository @files\n";

----------------------  < cut here > ----------------------------------
I currently have the log file code turned off.
This version has a hard coded list of authorized users, however, I have also
it by checking the users group.  This version also checks if a person has a
using:   $ck_user = @ck_user = getpwnam $user;  # checking if user exists

If none of your users have local accounts you could use that method and have no
hard coded authorized list.

I find it simple and it works.
Dale Miller

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