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Re: [igraph] eigenvector centrality with second eigenvalue

From: Tamás Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] eigenvector centrality with second eigenvalue
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 22:11:57 +0200

> Thanks a lot for your answer. There is (at least) one thing I don't
> understand with arpack: what does "XX" mean in the "which attribute" ?
That's a placeholder. In ARPACK, the "which" component of the options data 
structure tells ARPACK what to compute; e.g., "LA" means largest algebraic 
eigenvalues. (See ?arpack for more details). This part is automatically set by 
the igraph routine that uses ARPACK (e.g., page.rank always uses "LM"), so the 
value you see here does not have any particular meaning at all.


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