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Re: [igraph] igraph memory error

From: Tamás Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] igraph memory error
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 16:33:31 +0100

> I have a graph with 23379 edges and 23295 vertices.  It is a simple, 
> unconnected graph with 917 distinct clusters and a density of 4.26x10^-5.
> I am able to load the graph without a problem.  However, I need to calculate 
> shortest paths using R so that I can run a series of simulations and I am 
> getting memory errors
The result of the shortest path matrix calculation would be a matrix of 23295 x 
23295, and obviously R cannot handle matrices of such a size. However, I 
strongly suspect that you won't need the whole matrix at once, in which case 
you can simply call shortest.paths(g1, v=1), which will calculate the shortest 
path lengths originating from vertex 1 to all the other vertices. You can do it 
for multiple vertices at once (just supply a vector for v), the point is that 
you shouldn't do it for all the vertices at once. If you need the actual 
shortest paths instead of their lengths, use get.shortest.paths in a similar 


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