* Hyperbole Documentation Some better way of formatting this like in pic and more files. Maybe in manifest |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------| | | | Practical | | |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------| | | Tutorials | Examples | | | | learning orianted | problem oriented | | |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------| | | HY-WHY.kotl | kotl/EXAMPLE.kotl | | | theoretical | hyrolo-demo-fgrep command? | | when coding | | | | | | |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------| | | Discussion | Reference | | | | Understanding orainted | Information Oriented | | |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------| | | homepage | Docs by functions in source code. | | | | HY-ABOUT | The Emacs culture answer Gives us a great answer here | | | | | | | |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------| | | | Theoretical | | |-------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------|