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Re: implicit links

From: Dr. Erich Ruff
Subject: Re: implicit links
Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 15:25:57 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4; emacs 27.2

Hello Bob,

thank you for your immediate answer.

I wanted to activate with the 'implicit-link'  <elink: fi>  the explicit
button   <(fi)> in the same document. Or did I not understand the manual?

Here the info:

the 'explicit button' is named:  <(fi)>  at line 850 of my file

here the output of {C-h A}

-------------------- begin --------------------

A press of the Action Key
WHEN  (hbut:at-p)
CALLS (hui:hbut-act) WHICH WILL:

  Execute action for optional Hyperbole button symbol BUT in current buffer.
  The default is the current button.

link-to-regexp-match BUTTON SPECIFICS:

Find REGEXP’s Nth occurrence in SOURCE and display location at window top.
SOURCE is a pathname unless optional BUFFER-P is non-nil, then SOURCE must be
a buffer name or buffer.
Return t if found, signal an error if not.
   lbl-key:         "fi"
   loc:             "/home/er/git/wlnm/zur-wlnm.tex"
   categ:           explicit
   actype:          link-to-regexp-match
   args:            ("Thathandlung" 1 "/mnt/fichte/sw-01.txt")
   creator:         "dr.erich.ruff@t-online.de"
   create-time:     "May 18 09:30:40 CEST 2021"
-------------------- end -----------------------

the 'implicit-button'  on line 1:

 <elink: fi: /home/er/git/wlnm/zur-wlnm.tex>

works with fullpath

------------------ begin fi-fullpath ---------------
A press of the Action Key
WHEN  (hbut:at-p)
CALLS (hui:hbut-act) WHICH WILL:

  Execute action for optional Hyperbole button symbol BUT in current buffer.
  The default is the current button.


At point, activate a link to an explicit button.
This executes the linked to explicit button’s action in the
context of the current buffer.

Recognizes the format ’<elink:’ button_label [’:’ button_file_path] ’>’,
where : button_file_path is given only when the link is to another file,
e.g. <elink: project-list: ~/projs>.
   lbl-key:         "elink_fi"
   lbl-start:       3
   lbl-end:         46
   categ:           ibtypes::elink
   loc:             "/home/er/git/wlnm/zur-wlnm.tex"
   actype:          link-to-ebut
   args:            ("fi" "/home/er/git/wlnm/zur-wlnm.tex")

------------------ end fi-fullpath ---------------

the 'implicit-button'  on line 3
 <elink: fi:> or <elink: fi> does not work

------------------ begin fi-no path --------------

A press of the Action Key
WHEN  (hbut:at-p)
CALLS (hui:hbut-act) WHICH WILL:

  Execute action for optional Hyperbole button symbol BUT in current buffer.
  The default is the current button.


At point, activate a link to an explicit button.
This executes the linked to explicit button’s action in the
context of the current buffer.

Recognizes the format ’<elink:’ button_label [’:’ button_file_path] ’>’,
where : button_file_path is given only when the link is to another file,
e.g. <elink: project-list: ~/projs>.
   lbl-key:         "elink_fi"
   lbl-start:       49
   lbl-end:         61
   categ:           ibtypes::elink
   loc:             "/home/er/git/wlnm/zur-wlnm.tex"
   actype:          link-to-ebut
   args:            ("fi" nil)

-------------------- end -----------------------

On Di 18 Mai 2021 at 14:59, Robert Weiner <rswgnu@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please press {C-h A} with point over your fi explicit button and rhen copy 
> the output to show us what it does.
> The link-to-ebut problem could be a bug, we’ll have to see but also want to 
> help you with the simplest way to do what you want and as Jean notes, that 
> may be by using a builtin implicit button type.  We just need to know the 
> actual effect you want to achieve in order to answer.
> -- Bob
>> On May 18, 2021, at 7:05 AM, Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
>> * Dr. Erich Ruff <dr.erich.ruff@t-online.de> [2021-05-18 11:06]:
>>> I'm trying to learn to use hyperbole and I make very slow progress
>>> because of the very terse documentation with only a minimum of
>>> real-life examples.
>>> Because of working most of my time in LaTeX, I don't use org-mode. So
>>> it is a relief to have hyperlinks working in another context as org.
>> There is `org-link-minor-mode' that helps you have Org links in any
>> kind of the mode. I think you need to install it from Melpa.
>> In the case of LaTeX I would use GNU Hyperbole
>>> Implicit buttons are created - as I understood - as:
>>> <elink: explicit-button-label: path-to-remote-doc>
>>> but referencing an ebut, labeled 'fi' in the same and not in an extern
>>> *.tex.file results in this error:
>>> -->   hypb:error: (link-to-ebut): No button ‘fi’ in ‘nil’
>> With Hyperbole V8, let us say you wish to have a link link:
>> <doc: NAME-OF-FILE>
>> Then you have to decide which function to handle the NAME-OF-FILE. The
>> function can be stored in .emacs file
>> Then you would do following:
>> (defil any-name-of-function "<doc:" ">" ".*" 'my-function)
>> Let us say your function is to open file within Emacs:
>> (defun my-function (file)
>>  (let ((file (string-trim file))) ;; I would string trim to avoid any spaces 
>> around
>>    (find-file file)))
>> Then the button like this is opening ~/tmp or any file there.
>> <doc: ~/tmp>
>> But to open a file Hyperbole already knows how to do it as this
>> is already implicit link:
>> "~/tmp"
>> Which kind of files do you try to open?
>> Are those files to be opened with external viewer?
>> Jean
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>> https://www.fsf.org/campaigns
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mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Ruff

                Please send PLAIN text-mail  _ONLY_
Dr. phil. Erich Ruff                 Phone: +0049 (-0) 8142/410 43 33
Psychologischer Psychotherapeut      Email: Erich_Ruff@T-Online.de
Freilandstr. 15 A                    Email: Dr.Erich.Ruff@T-Online.de
D-82194 Gröbenzell                   Email: Dr.Erich.Ruff@Gabelsberger.org
homepage                             http://www.Gabelsberger.org

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