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Re: hyperbole-web-search-alist

From: Dr. Erich Ruff
Subject: Re: hyperbole-web-search-alist
Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 09:09:07 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4; emacs 27.2

Dear Jean,

thank you very much for your explanation in the other mails. I'm only a
hobby-programmer and new to elisp.

1) What with  hyperbol-web-search-alist.

I added  ("Leo" . "http://www.dict.leo.org/frde/?search=%s";)

to --> hsettings.el

now it shows up as a possible selection in the hyperb-menu.
 {C-h h f w l}

If "Leo" gets added via my .emacs it is not shown in the menu. If its a
bug, pls could you fix it? - with my elisp-knowledge I can't do it.

2) I use a lot of books written before 1900 in the classic fontfamily:
fraktur, so a search in the book is not possible.

Is it possible - like in org-mode - to create an explict button, which
will open the pdf in emacs (pdf-tools) at a given page-nr?

'link-to-file-line' opens always on the 1st page

On Di 11 Mai 2021 at 09:30, Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:

> * Dr. Erich Ruff <dr.erich.ruff@t-online.de> [2021-05-11 10:01]:
>> I succeeded to add
>>  ("Leo" . "http://www.dict.leo.org/frde/?search=%s";)
>> to the  hyperbol-web-search-alist.
>> I can now use this link with buttons, but it does not show up in the
>> menu  {C-h h f w} as a possibility to select.
>> Could you please help me to achieve this?
> Neither it shows on my side, I think that could be bug in Hyperbole.
> Jean
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mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Ruff

                Please send PLAIN text-mail  _ONLY_
Dr. phil. Erich Ruff                 Phone: +0049 (-0) 8142/410 43 33
Psychologischer Psychotherapeut      Email: Erich_Ruff@T-Online.de
Freilandstr. 15 A                    Email: Dr.Erich.Ruff@T-Online.de
D-82194 Gröbenzell                   Email: Dr.Erich.Ruff@Gabelsberger.org
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