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"Takin' reference" for klinks

From: Jean Louis
Subject: "Takin' reference" for klinks
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2020 21:51:54 +0300

I understand the concept of Koutliner as it has analogies with
Engelbart's work.

While I am researching how to expand hyperscope.el (with the
preferrable inclusion into Hyperbole) maybe I wish to propose some
enhancements for Koutliner to take references:

Enhancement is based on these points:

      3c1. Here are three klink examples:

        3c1a. <@ 3b=06> jumps to the cell within this outline which has
              permanent id `06' and relative id `3b'.  <@ 06> does the same
              thing, as does <@ 2b>, though this latter form will not
              maintain the link properly if the cell is moved elsewhere
              within the outline.

        3c1b. <EXAMPLE.kotl, 4=012 |c1e> displays the named file, starting at
              the unimplemented features section whose permanent identifer is
              012, with the view specification of: blank lines turned off,
              cutoff after one line per cell, and show ellipses for cells or
              trees which are clipped.

        3c1c. <|ben> is a klink consisting of just a view specification.
              When activated, it sets the view in the current outline to
              display blank lines, ellipses following collapsed lines and
              standard alphanumeric numbering.

Based on above I would like to know if there is a function to "take a
reference" that creates such link automatically?

As such function is very useful and would enhance hyperlinking

Example in Hyperbole notation:
{M-x eww RET https://www.gnu.org/s/hyperbole RET w q M-x 
switch-to-buffer-other-window RET *scratch* RET M-x end-of-buffer RET M-x yank 

By using `w' the reference has been obtained. By using `yank' the
reference has been inserted in the other buffer.

I will soon be doing export from Hyperscope to Koutliner. Koutliner
has good reference system from cell to cell named klinks. If I am in
the cell 031 of the file data-01.kotl then enhancement would be to
have keybindings to "obtain a reference for the link". Key binding
would take into some memory or register following: </full/path/data-01.kotl, 
4=012 |c1e> 

Then I would go to other Koutliner file and insert the link. This is
because it is tedious to insert links by hand and it is also error

Many applications have hyperlinks and bookmarks but do not handle
"takin' references".

Good bad example is Evince PDF reader on GNU/Linux, it allows me to
jump finely grained to PDF page by its label or by its number of by
named destination.

>From evince PDF reader options:

Application Options:
  -p, --page-label=PAGE       The page label of the document to display.
  -i, --page-index=NUMBER     The page number of the document to display.
  -n, --named-dest=DEST       Named destination to display.

But it does not allow me to "take a reference" in simple manner. For
example I could mark the named destination and have key binding or
menu option to obtain following automatically into memory or to save
it somewhere:

evince -n "Learning GNU Hyperbole"

Instead I need to type it manually.

Please could you incorporate function to obtain link from Koutline
file, specific cell, instead of specifying it by hand?

I have invented that function in Hyperscope in a simple manner to
press `W' and to get link into memory link like this:

(hyperscope 130) Send Fax

which could then be inserted into Koutliner cell:

1a1. (hyperscope 130) Send Fax

In future version of Koutliner I hope that hyperscope links get
included as to increase finely grained annotations and database backed
multi-server hyperlinking.

Another thing is that Koutliner needs any types of links. Hyperbole
already offers many implicit links that will work in Koutliner. Maybe
org type of links are also supported?

In Hyperscope I try to support any type of links by using PGP signed
database entries of code and not code on the file system. This way a
trusted server could provide how links would be opened and what type
of links they should be. 
I use:  Editor:      GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 26, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X 
toolkit, cairo version 1.14.8, Xaw3d scroll bars)

        Hyperbole:   7.1.3
        Sys Type:    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
        OS Type:     gnu/linux
        Window Sys:  x
        News Reader: Gnus v5.13

Jean Louis
⎔ λ 🄯 𝍄 𝌡 𝌚

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