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Re: [Hyperbole-users] kill-ring-org-link-to-lisp

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: [Hyperbole-users] kill-ring-org-link-to-lisp
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 09:51:59 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

* Robert Weiner <address@hidden> [2019-08-28 00:49]:
> So is the Org heading not unique?  Because Hyperbole already handles
> Org links that refer to Org headings.  The test version of Hyperbole
> you are using can follow any Org link in an Org buffer, so you could
> just insert any link you want and then activate with the Action Key,
> you don’t need to wrap it in elisp.

Org headlines alone need not be unique, one file can have multiple

(org-open-link-from-string "[[id:c9999fd3-aad2-429f-a6d9-cd71284d70c7][Policies 
on meetings]]")

I think that above function is opening link from string, but would
that be just headling in some other function or that one, I could have
multiple headlines in same file. I think that Org is tracking ID links
and opens the right file, there can be many multiple Org files and
multiple headlines in various Org files.

I could have:

* Personal
** Notes
* Company
** Notes

So it would not be clear which "Notes" are to be open. It would become
more complex if there are more files.

I will try the new Hyperbole when it comes to Elpa.

Right now I must use the ID.


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