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Re: [Heroes] Segfault

From: Alexandre Duret-Lutz
Subject: Re: [Heroes] Segfault
Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 21:23:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> "Jerome" == Jerome Zago <address@hidden> writes:

 Jerome> On Thursday 27 May 2004 22:11, Jerome Zago wrote:
 >> Hi folks,
 >> This problem was solved after patching 0.21 like in :
 >> http://mail.nongnu.org/archive/html/heroes-discuss/2004-02/msg00004.html
 >> I think that a new release, based on 0.21, and which fixes this bug, is in
 >> order.

 Jerome> I've just created a branch in CVS, called
 Jerome> "heroes_0_21_errata", based on
 Jerome> "heroes_0_21". 

heroes_0_21 itself is a tag on branch heroes_0_19_errata, and
that branch already includes several fixes beyond 0.21.  No need
for a new branch.

 Jerome> Unfortunately I cannot build "heroes_0_21" from CVS,
 Jerome> while I can for "HEAD". Indeed :

Seems gettext has evolved a lot in two years, and 0.21 still 
assumes some old Gettext :(
Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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