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Entering a fixed point number at the st> prompt causes divide by zero er

From: Gary Highberger
Subject: Entering a fixed point number at the st> prompt causes divide by zero error. Is this the expected behavior. Please see below for integer, floating point, scaled decimal, and fixed point entries.
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 15:59:06 -0500

st> 1 "integer"
st> 1.1e0 "floating point"
st> 1.1s2 "scaled decimal"
st> 1.1 "fixed point"
Object: 1 error: The program attempted to divide a number by zero
ZeroDivide(Exception)>>signal (
SmallInteger(Number)>>zeroDivide (
Fraction>>setNumerator:setDenominator: (
Fraction class>>numerator:denominator: (
Fraction>>- (
FloatD(Float)>>printOn:special: (
FloatD(Float)>>printOn: (
FloatD(Object)>>printString (
FloatD(Object)>>printNl (

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