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Re: [Help-smalltalk] autocomplete in gst REPL

From: Stefan Schmiedl
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] autocomplete in gst REPL
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 07:05:34 +0200

On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 22:45:16 -0400
Tim Menzies <address@hidden> wrote:

> i do a lot of teaching with GST smalltalk and the auto-completion is a
> cool tool for making beginners more comfortable with the environment.

Especially when they see their self-defined methods pop up in there :-)

> So, unless there is some bad memory or runtime hit, I'd vote that:
> Dictionary at<TAB>
> returns  (at least)
> at:
> at:put:

and since you bring it up, here is what I sent to Paolo late last night:


_gst_add_symbol_completion (const char *str,
                            int len)
  const char *base = str;
  const char *p = str;

  if (completions_enabled < 1)

  /* Everything goes in ... what can happen? */
  add_completion (str, len);

st> aDict at<TAB><TAB>  
at:                          atPutSubpart:
at:ifAbsent:                 atRandom
at:ifAbsentPut:              atSubpart:
at:ifPresent:                atSynonym:put:
at:noCObjectsPut:type:       atime
at:put:                      atimeSec
at:put:type:                 attr
at:splitAndPut:decrementBy:  attrArray
at:type:                     attributeAt:
atAll:                       attributeAt:ifAbsent:
atAll:put:                   attributes
atAllPut:                    attributesArray
atAllSynonyms:put:           attributesDo:

st> aThing print<TAB><TAB>  
print                              printOn:indent:
print:                             printOn:line:
printAsAttributeOn:                printOn:special:
printByteCodesOn:                  printOn:tag:indent:
printCodePointOn:                  printString
printHeaderOn:                     printString:
printHierarchy                     printStringRadix:
printNl                            printSubclasses:using:
printOn:                           printXmlOn:collection:tag:indent:
printOn:base:                      printedFileName

You'll have to back up into the suggestion though (alt-b comes
in handy).


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