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Re: Multisiting in RCS???

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: Multisiting in RCS???
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 21:10:09 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Aaron S. Hawley wrote:
> Quoting address@hidden:
> > Hello,
> > Is there Multisiting Capability available in RCS.
> > If yes, can you please throw some light on the same.
> You could run any tool like rsync<> to
> mirror the RCS files, and use a crontab(1) file to manage how often
> things should be synchronized between physically disparate systems.
> The good news is that RCS can easily support a "Multisiting
> Capability" with these tools, the bad news (or is it?) is that it's
> not built-in.

Creating a mirror of the repository is certainly possible with almost
any reasonable version control system.  Then treating mirrors as
read-only so that changes cannot be checked into them and subsequently
overwritten by the mirror is easy enough.  But I do not think that is
what the original poster was asking about.

I would have to say no, rcs does not have multi-site capability.  Very
few traditional version control systems do.  RCS is one of the first
two popular systems with SCCS being the other.  It was developed well
before networked systems were as popular as they are today.  For a
"multi-site" system you would need to look at a distributed or
semi-distributed version control system.

Here are some examples of currently popular ones.

  svk (working with a subversion backend)


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