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latest for meeting with vicky

From: Mike Terrell
Subject: latest for meeting with vicky
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 02:01:13 -0700

Sensationall revoolution in medicine!

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Cli here:

It lashed in her hand, head twisting as it tried to bite her.
He would be a Republican of the sort who would no more put a bumper sticker on 
his car than he would put a pair of pointy-toed Italian shoes on his feet; he 
must also be some sort of town official, and here on town business, because it 
was only on town business that a man like this and a reclusive woman like Annie 
Wilkes would have occasion to meet.
According to Mrs Jessica Krenmitz, her husband put the youngest of their four 
children in her arms and told her, "I'll be back with the others in a minute or 

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