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Re: Installing the symbolic package

From: Samuel Dupree
Subject: Re: Installing the symbolic package
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 15:46:41 -0400
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Permit me to say it this way: when I open a terminal window on my MacBook Pro and type python, I get the following response:

users-MacBook-Pro:~ user$ python
Python 2.7.10 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64)| (default, May 28 2015, 17:04:42)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
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So the python I run is under the Anaconda Distribution. Furthermore, I do have sympy installed under Anaconda as the following output reveals:

>>> help()

Welcome to Python 2.7!  This is the online help utility.

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the Internet at

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
Python programs and using Python modules.  To quit this help utility and
return to the interpreter, just type "quit".

To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
"keywords", or "topics".  Each module also comes with a one-line summary
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
such as "spam", type "modules spam".

help> modules

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

/Users/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/kernel/ ShimWarning: The `IPython.kernel` package has been deprecated. You should import from ipykernel or jupyter_client instead.
  "You should import from ipykernel or jupyter_client instead.", ShimWarning)
/Users/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The matplotlib.delaunay module was deprecated in version 1.4. Use matplotlib.tri.Triangulation instead.
  warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)

/Users/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/rpy/ FutureWarning: The pandas.rpy module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. We refer to external packages like rpy2.
See here for a guide on how to port your code to rpy2:

/Users/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skimage/filter/ skimage_deprecation: The `skimage.filter` module has been renamed to `skimage.filters`.  This placeholder module will be removed in v0.13.
  warn(skimage_deprecation('The `skimage.filter` module has been renamed '

ANSI                _codecs_tw          errno               psutil
ArgImagePlugin      _collections        examples            pty
AstroObject         _csv                exceptions          ptyprocess
Audio_mac           _ctypes             f2py                pwd
BaseHTTPServer      _ctypes_test        fastcache           pxssh
Bastion             _curses             fcntl               py
BdfFontFile         _curses_panel       fdpexpect           py2app
BmpImagePlugin      _elementtree        features            py_compile
BufrStubImagePlugin _functools          ffnet               pyasn1
CGIHTTPServer       _hashlib            filecmp             pyaudio
Canvas              _heapq              fileinput           pyclbr
Carbon              _hotshot            findertools         pycosat
CodeWarrior         _imaging            flask               pycparser
ColorPicker         _imagingcms         fnmatch             pycurl
ConfigParser        _imagingft          fobis               pydoc
ContainerIO         _imagingmath        formatter           pydoc_data
Cookie              _imagingmorph       fparser             pyexpat
Crypto              _imagingtk          fpformat            pyface
CurImagePlugin      _io                 fractions           pyfits
Cython              _json               ftplib              pyflakes
DcxImagePlugin      _license            funcsigs            pygments
Dialog              _locale             functools           pygraphviz
DocXMLRPCServer     _lsprof             future              pygsl
EasyDialogs         _markerlib          future_builtins     pylab
EpsImagePlugin      _multibytecodec     futures             pyorbital
ExifTags            _multiprocessing    galpy               pyparsing
Explorer            _osx_support        galpy_actionAngle_c pyshell
FSM                 _portaudio          galpy_integrate_c   pystellar
FileDialog          _psutil_osx         galpy_interppotential_c pytest
Finder              _psutil_posix       gc                  pytz
FitsStubImagePlugin _pyio               genericpath         pyximport
FixTk               _pytest             gensuitemodule      quopri
FliImagePlugin      _random             gestalt             random
FontFile            _scproxy            getopt              re
FpxImagePlugin      _sha256             getpass             readline
FrameWork           _sha512             gettext             redis
GbrImagePlugin      _socket             gevent              repr
GdImageFile         _sqlite3            geventwebsocket     represent
GifImagePlugin      _sre                glob                requests
GimpGradientFile    _ssl                glue                resource
GimpPaletteFile     _strptime           greenlet            rexec
GribStubImagePlugin _struct             grin                rfc822
HTMLParser          _symtable           grp                 rlcompleter
Hdf5StubImagePlugin _sysconfigdata      gzip                rmagic
IN                  _testcapi           h5py                robotparser
IPython             _threading_local    hashlib             rope
IcnsImagePlugin     _tkinter            heapdict            runipy
IcoImagePlugin      _util               heapq               runpy
ImImagePlugin       _version            hgext               sched
Image               _warnings           hmac                scipy
ImageChops          _weakref            hope                scitools
ImageCms            _weakrefset         hotshot             screen
ImageColor          _yaml               htmlentitydefs      select
ImageDraw           abc                 htmllib             sets
ImageDraw2          abstract_rendering  httplib             setup
ImageEnhance        ad                  ic                  setuptools
ImageFile           aem                 icglue              sgmllib
ImageFileIO         aepack              icopen              sha
ImageFilter         aetools             idlelib             shelve
ImageFont           aetypes             idna                shlex
ImageGL             aifc                ihooks              shutil
ImageGrab           alabaster           imageio             signal
ImageMath           algopy              imaplib             simplegeneric
ImageMode           altgraph            imghdr              sip
ImageMorph          antigravity         imp                 sipconfig
ImageOps            anydbm              importlib           sipdistutils
ImagePalette        aplpy               imputil             site
ImagePath           applesingle         inspect             six
ImageQt             appletrawmain       io                  skimage
ImageSequence       appletrunner        ipaddress           sklearn
ImageShow           appscript           ipython_genutils    smtpd
ImageStat           apptools            itertools           smtplib
ImageTk             argcomplete         itsdangerous        sndhdr
ImageTransform      argparse            jdcal               snowballstemmer
ImageWin            argvemulator        jedi                socket
ImtImagePlugin      array               jinja2              sockjs
IptcImagePlugin     ast                 jplephem            spacepy
Jpeg2KImagePlugin   astropy             json                sphinx
JpegImagePlugin     astropyephem        jsonschema          sphinx_rtd_theme
JpegPresets         astropysics         keyword             spyderlib
MacOS               asynchat            kiva                spyderplugins
McIdasImagePlugin   asyncore            kiwisolver          sqlalchemy
MicImagePlugin      atexit              lib2to3             sqlite3
MimeWriter          atom                libfuturize         sre
MiniAEFrame         audiodev            libpasteurize       sre_compile
MpegImagePlugin     audioop             linecache           sre_constants
MpoImagePlugin      autoGIL             llpython            sre_parse
MspImagePlugin      autoreload          llvm                ssl
Nav                 babel               llvm_array          stat
Netscape            backports           llvm_cbuilder       statsmodels
OSATerminology      base64              llvmlite            statvfs
OleFileIO           bcolz               llvmpy              storemagic
OpenSSL             bdb                 locale              string
PIL                 bgenlocations       logging             stringold
PSDraw              binascii            lxml                stringprep
PaletteFile         binhex              macerrors           strop
PalmImagePlugin     binstar_client      macholib            struct
PcdImagePlugin      bisect              macostools          subprocess
PcfFontFile         bitarray            macpath             sunau
PcxImagePlugin      blaze               macresource         sunaudio
PdfImagePlugin      blz                 mactypes            symbol
PixMapWrapper       bokeh               macurl2path         sympy  <--- here's sympy
PixarImagePlugin    boto                mailbox             sympyprinting
PngImagePlugin      bottleneck          mailcap             symtable
PpmImagePlugin      bs4                 markupbase          sys
PsdImagePlugin      bsddb               markupsafe          sysconfig
PyAccess            bsddb185            marshal             syslog
PyGMO               bsint               math                tables
PyKEP               buildtools          matplotlib          tabnanny
PyQt4               bundlebuilder       mayavi              tarfile
Queue               bz2                 md5                 telnetlib
ScrolledText        cPickle             mercurial           tempfile
SgiImagePlugin      cProfile            mhlib               terminado
SimpleDialog        cStringIO           mimetools           terminalcommand
SimpleHTTPServer    calendar            mimetypes           termios
SimpleXMLRPCServer  casuarius           mimify              test
SocketServer        cdecimal            mistune             test_path
SpiceyPy            certifi             mmap                test_pycosat
SpiderImagePlugin   cestam              mock                tests
StdSuites           cffi                modulefinder        textwrap
StringIO            cfmfile             modulegraph         this
SunImagePlugin      cgi                 mpi4py              thread
SystemEvents        cgitb               mpl_toolkits        threading
TarIO               chaco               multifile           time
Terminal            chest               multipledispatch    timeit
TgaImagePlugin      chunk               multiprocessing     tkColorChooser
TiffImagePlugin     clyent              mutex               tkCommonDialog
TiffTags            cmath               netCDF4             tkFileDialog
Tix                 cmd                 netcdftime          tkFont
Tkconstants         code                netrc               tkMessageBox
Tkdnd               codecs              networkx            tkSimpleDialog
Tkinter             codeop              new                 toaiff
UserDict            collections         nis                 token
UserList            colorama            nltk                tokenize
UserString          colorsys            nntplib             toolz
WalImageFile        commands            nose                tornado
WebPImagePlugin     compileall          ntpath              trace
WmfImagePlugin      compiler            nturl2path          traceback
XVThumbImagePlugin  concurrent          numba               traitlets
XbmImagePlugin      conda               numbers             traits
XpmImagePlugin      conda_build         numexpr             traitsui
_AE                 conda_env           numpy               ttk
_AH                 configobj           numpydoc            tty
_App                contextlib          oct2py              turtle
_CF                 cookielib           odespy              tvtk
_CG                 copy                odo                 tvtk_classes
_CarbonEvt          copy_reg            opcode              types
_Cm                 crypt               openpyxl            ujson
_Ctl                cryptography        operator            unicodecsv
_Dlg                csv                 optparse            unicodedata
_Drag               ctypes              orbital             unittest
_Evt                curl                os                  urllib
_File               curses              os2emxpath          urllib2
_Fm                 cython              osax                urlparse
_Folder             cythonmagic         pandas              user
_Help               cytoolz             parser              uu
_IBCarbon           dask                past                uuid
_Icn                datashape           path                validate
_LWPCookieJar       datetime            pathlib             videoreader
_Launch             dateutil            patsy               vtk
_List               dbhash              pbag                warnings
_Menu               dbm                 pdb                 wave
_Mlte               de405               pep8                weakref
_MozillaCookieJar   de421               pexpect             webbrowser
_OSA                decimal             pframe              werkzeug
_Qd                 decorator           pickle              wheel
_Qdoffs             difflib             pickleshare         whichdb
_Qt                 dill                pickletools         wsgiref
_Res                dircache            pimp                xdrlib
_Scrap              dis                 pip                 xlrd
_Snd                distutils           pipes               xlsxwriter
_TE                 doctest             pkg_resources       xlwings
_Win                docutils            pkgutil             xlwt
__builtin__         ds9                 platform            xml
__future__          dumbdbm             plistlib            xmllib
_abcoll             dummy_thread        ply                 xmlrpclib
_ast                dummy_threading     plyades             xpa
_binary             dynd                poliastro           xray
_bisect             easy_install        popen2              xxsubtype
_builtinSuites      email               poplib              yaml
_cffi_backend       enable              posix               yt
_codecs             enaml               posixfile           zipfile
_codecs_cn          encodings           posixpath           zipimport
_codecs_hk          ensurepip           pprint              zlib
_codecs_iso2022     enum                profile             zmq
_codecs_jp          envisage            progressbar        
_codecs_kr          ephem               pstats             

Enter any module name to get more help.  Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".


Now Octave for whatever reason is getting python from /usr/bin/python and I need to somehow get Octave to get python from /Users/user/anaconda. So the question is how does one point Octave to /Users/user/anaconda to get python?

Sam Dupree.

On 08/22/2015 05:01:41, tmacchant wrote:
Anaconda seems not to have sympy module judging from Anaconda HP.


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