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Re: Oct version of Mex Object Handle

From: Jose
Subject: Re: Oct version of Mex Object Handle
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 18:46:37 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120827 Thunderbird/15.0

On 10/01/2012 04:41 PM, Jordi GutiƩrrez Hermoso wrote:
> oct-files are in C++, the mex interface is in C. This is why the mex
> interface requires a special way to handle C++ objects. For oct-files,
> just pass around your C++ types like you would do so in normal C++.

I am not sure I understand this correctly. Can you give me an example of how 
can I pass around C++ types from/to octave command line? 

mex-handle basically stores pointers to C++ classes in octave matrixes, which 
you can the pass from the command line to C++ through mex files. "Translating" 
straight from the mex-handle into oct-files, if we wanted to do the same I 
guess it could be something like this:

MyClass foo;
Matrix mPointer(1,1);
*reinterpret_cast<MyClass**>(mPointer.fortran_vec())= &foo;
--->mPointer passed to octave command line as an output value
--->from octave command line, mPointer passed as an argument
MyClass* foo = *reinterpret_cast<MyClass**>(mPointer.fortran_vec());

This compiles, though I have not tested it. Is this correct? Is there a better 


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