% EDGELINK - Link edge points in an image into lists % % Usage: [edgelist edgeim] = edgelink(im, minlength, location) % % Arguments: im - Binary edge image, it is assumed that edges % have been thinned. % minlength - Optional minimum edge length of interest, defaults % to 1 if omitted or specified as []. % location - Optional complex valued image holding subpixel % locations of edge points. For any pixel the % real part holds the subpixel row coordinate of % that edge point and the imaginary part holds % the column coordinate. See NONMAXSUP. If % this argument is supplied the edgelists will % be formed from the subpixel coordinates, % otherwise the the integer pixel coordinates of % points in 'im' are used. % % Returns: edgelist - a cell array of edge lists in row,column coords in % the form % { [r1 c1 [r1 c1 etc } % r2 c2 ... % ... % rN cN] ....] % % edgeim - Image with pixels labeled with edge number. Note that % this image also includes edges that do not meet the % minimum length specification. If you want to see just % the edges that meet the specification you should pass % the edgelist to DRAWEDGELIST. % % % This function links edge points together into lists of coordinate pairs. % Where an edge junction is encountered the list is terminated and a separate % list is generated for each of the branches. % % See also: DRAWEDGELIST, LINESEG, MAXLINEDEV, CLEANEDGELIST, FINDENDSJUNCTIONS % % Bugs: This code has caused me much grief on and off. I keep discovering cases % that do not get handled properly. The logic has grown in a way that is less % structured than I would like. At the moment I am aware that if there are two % adjacent junction points things may go a bit astray. % % You may find a few edges that are needlessly broken into two, or more, % segements. This should be fixed up by CLEANEDGELIST which gets called if % you specify a non-empty value for minlength. Use a value of 0 if you want to % fix this without trimming small edges. % % It may be that you encounter problems in the call to CLEANEDGELIST (which % has perhaps caused me even more grief). By calling edgelink with just the % image arguments, or with an empty value for minlength, CLEANEDGELIST will % not be called, and you will be spared any errors there. % Acknowledgement: % Some of this code is inspired by David Lowe's Link.c function from the % Vista image processing library developed at the University of British % Columbia % http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/lci/vista/vista.html % Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Peter Kovesi % School of Computer Science & Software Engineering % The University of Western Australia % http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/ % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal % in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in % all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. % February 2001 - Original version % September 2004 - Revised to allow subpixel edge data to be used % November 2006 - Changed so that edgelists start and stop at every junction % January 2007 - Prefiltering to to discard isolated pixels and the % problems they cause(thanks to Jeff Copeland) % January 2007 - Fixes to ensure closed loops are closed, and a few other % cases are handled better function [edgelist, edgeim] = edgelink(im, minlength, location) global EDGEIM; % Some global variables to avoid passing (and % copying) of arguments, this improves speed. global ROWS; global COLS; global RJ; global CJ; EDGEIM = im ~= 0; % make sure image is binary. EDGEIM = bwmorph(EDGEIM,'clean'); % Remove isolated pixels EDGEIM = bwmorph(EDGEIM,'skel',Inf); % and make sure edges are thinned. I % think using 'skel' is better than 'thin' % Find endings and junctions in edge data [RJ, CJ, re, ce] = findendsjunctions(EDGEIM); EDGEIM = double(EDGEIM); % Convert to double to allow the use of -ve labelings [ROWS, COLS] = size(EDGEIM); edgeNo = 0; % Perform raster scan through image looking for edge points. When a % point is found trackedge is called to find the rest of the edge % points. As it finds the points the edge image pixels are labeled % with the -ve of their edge No for r = 1:ROWS for c = 1:COLS if EDGEIM(r,c) == 1 edgepoints = trackedge(r,c, edgeNo); if ~isempty(edgepoints) edgeNo = edgeNo + 1; edgelist{edgeNo} = edgepoints; end end end end edgeim = -EDGEIM; % Finally negate image to make edge encodings +ve. % Eliminate isolated edges and spurs that are below the minimum length if nargin >= 2 && ~isempty(minlength) edgelist = cleanedgelist(edgelist, minlength); else % Call cleanedgelist with 0 minlength anyway to fix spurrious nodes % that may exist due to problem with EDGELINK at points where % junctions are adjacent. % edgelist = cleanedgelist(edgelist, 0); end % If subpixel edge locations are supplied upgrade the integer precision % edgelists that were constructed with data from 'location'. if nargin == 3 for I = 1:length(edgelist) ind = sub2ind(size(im),edgelist{I}(:,1),edgelist{I}(:,2)); edgelist{I}(:,1) = real(location(ind))'; edgelist{I}(:,2) = imag(location(ind))'; end end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % TRACKEDGE % % Function to track all the edge points associated with a start point. From a % given starting point it tracks in one direction, storing the coords of the % edge points in an array and labelling the pixels in the edge image with the % -ve of their edge number. This continues until no more connected points are % found, or a junction point is encountered. At this point the function returns % to the start point and tracks in the opposite direction. % % Usage: edgepoints = trackedge(rstart, cstart, edgeNo) % % Arguments: rstart, cstart - row and column No of starting point % edgeNo - the current edge number % minlength - minimum length of edge to accept % % Returns: edgepoints - Nx2 array of row and col values for % each edge point. function edgepoints = trackedge(rstart, cstart, edgeNo) global EDGEIM; global RJ; global CJ; global noPoint; global thereIsAPoint; global lastPoint; noPoint = 0; thereIsAPoint = 1; lastPoint = 2; edgepoints = [rstart cstart]; % Start a new list for this edge. EDGEIM(rstart,cstart) = -edgeNo; % Edge points in the image are % encoded by -ve of their edgeNo. [status, r, c] = nextpoint(rstart,cstart, edgeNo); % Find next connected % edge point. while status ~= noPoint edgepoints = [edgepoints % Add point to point list r c ]; EDGEIM(r,c) = -edgeNo; % Update edge image if status == lastPoint % We have hit a junction point status = noPoint; % make sure we stop tracking here else [status, r, c] = nextpoint(r,c, edgeNo); % Otherwise keep going end end % Now track from original point in the opposite direction - but only if % the starting point was not a junction point if ~isjunction(rstart,cstart) % First reverse order of existing points in the edge list edgepoints = flipud(edgepoints); % ...and start adding points in the other direction. [status, r, c] = nextpoint(rstart,cstart, edgeNo); while status ~= noPoint edgepoints = [edgepoints r c ]; EDGEIM(r,c) = -edgeNo; if status == lastPoint status = noPoint; else [status, r, c] = nextpoint(r,c, edgeNo); end end end % Final check to see if this edgelist should have start and end points % matched to form a loop. If the number of points in the list is four or % more (the minimum number that could form a loop), and the endpoints are % within a pixel of each other, append a copy if the first point to the % end to complete the loop if length(edgepoints) >= 4 if abs(edgepoints(1,1) - edgepoints(end,1)) <= 1 && ... abs(edgepoints(1,2) - edgepoints(end,2)) <= 1 edgepoints = [edgepoints edgepoints(1,:)]; end end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % NEXTPOINT % % Function finds a point that is 8 connected to an existing edge point % function [status, nextr, nextc] = nextpoint(rp,cp, edgeNo) global EDGEIM; global ROWS; global COLS; global RJ; global CJ; global noPoint; global thereIsAPoint; global lastPoint; % row and column offsets for the eight neighbours of a point roff = [-1 0 1 0 -1 -1 1 1]; coff = [ 0 1 0 -1 -1 1 1 -1]; r = rp+roff; c = cp+coff; % Find indices of arrays of r and c that are within the image bounds ind = find((r>=1 & r<=ROWS) & (c>=1 & c<=COLS)); % Search through neighbours and see if one is a junction point for i = ind if (any(c(i) == CJ(RJ==r(i)))) && (EDGEIM(r(i),c(i)) ~= -edgeNo) % This is a junction point that we have not marked as part of % this edgelist nextr = r(i); nextc = c(i); status = lastPoint; return; % break out and return with the data end end % If we get here there were no junction points. Search through neighbours % and return first connected edge point that itself has less than two % neighbours connected back to our current edge. This prevents occasional % erroneous doubling back onto the wrong segment checkFlag = 0; for i = ind if EDGEIM(r(i),c(i)) == 1 n = neighbours(r(i),c(i)); if sum(n==-edgeNo) < 2 nextr = r(i); nextc = c(i); status = thereIsAPoint; return; % break out and return with the data else % Remember this point just in case we checkFlag = 1; % have to use it rememberr = r(i); rememberc = c(i); end end end % If we get here (and 'checkFlag' is true) there was no connected edge point % that had less than two connections to our current edge, but there was one % with more. Use the point we remembered above. if checkFlag nextr = rememberr; nextc = rememberc; status = thereIsAPoint; return; % Break out end % If we get here there was no connecting next point at all. nextr = 0; nextc = 0; status = noPoint; %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Function to test whether a location in the image is a junction point. % Note that for speed this code has been hard wired into NEXTPOINT. function b = isjunction(r,c) global RJ; global CJ; b = any(c == CJ(RJ==r)); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Function to get the values of the 8 neighbouring pixels surrounding a point % of interest. The values are ordered from the top-left point going % anti-clockwise around the pixel. function n = neighbours(rp, cp) global EDGEIM; global ROWS; global COLS; % row and column offsets for the eight neighbours of a point roff = [-1 0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1]; coff = [-1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 0]; r = rp+roff; c = cp+coff; % Find indices of arrays of r and c that are within the image bounds ind = find((r>=1 & r<=ROWS) & (c>=1 & c<=COLS)); n = zeros(1,8); for i = ind n(i) = EDGEIM(r(i),c(i)); end