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Re: memory exhaustive error

From: Martin Helm
Subject: Re: memory exhaustive error
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:08:26 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120713 Thunderbird/14.0

Am 16.08.2012 09:24, schrieb Laurent Hoeltgen:
Hi, Unless you really need a full matrix of that size (which I doubt), I would suggest to try it with sparse matrices. On my Debian Box with octave 3.2.4, I get the following: ones(25000,25000) -> fails, out of memory (as expected) sparse(25000,25000) -> works like a charm. so, if you have to deal with large matrices that only contain few non-zero entries, use the sparse matrix type. It avoids all the hassle of compiling octave with 64bit indexing. Regards, Laurent

Just again for the files:

There is absolutely no need at all to compile octave with --enable-64 on any 64bit linux system just to be able to work with a matrix which contains 625 million values (provided enough memory is available). Just the octave needs to be new enough (3.4 or higher if my memories are right).

For ubuntu there seems to be a ppa to install 3.6 and that will solve that.

Of course I also suspect that a sparse matrix would do the job as well.

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