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Re: one mistake while installing octave about lapack library

From: Sergei Steshenko
Subject: Re: one mistake while installing octave about lapack library
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 12:22:13 -0700 (PDT)

>From: Victor <address@hidden>
>To: address@hidden
>Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:48 PM
>Subject: one mistake while installing octave about lapack library
>I want to install
octave-3.4.2 in my computer (Red hat 4.1.2-50, Gcc 4.1.2), but one problem
>Firstly, I installed
blas with the below commands:
>for x in ./BLAS/*.f; do g77 –O3 –c $x; done
>ar r ./libblas.a *.o
>Then, I installed
lapack-3.3.1 by running make lapacklib;
>At last, I installing
octave-3.4.2 by running
>./configure - -prefix=/**/octave - -with-blas=/**/blas/libblas.a -
>One mistake
message tells me:
>Checking for
cheev_ in /**/lapack/liblapack.a… no
>checking for cheev_... no
>checking for cheev_ in -llapack… no
>checking for cheev_ in -llapack_es6k… no
>configure: error: You are required to have BLAS and LAPACK libraries
>Could you please
give me some advice for this problem? Thank you very much!

Yep, I'm aware of this.

I am using the following _ugly_ workaround:

1) while running 'configure' I specify

LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lmetis -l:liblapack.a"

- make sure you have 'liblapack.a' - it may be under another name.
This makes 'configure' happy WRT reported by you problem.

2) just before running 'make' my build tool edits every Makefile
containing "-l:liblapack.a" - just deletes it.

As simple/ugly as that.


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