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Re: How does Octave shine?

From: Quentin Spencer
Subject: Re: How does Octave shine?
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 16:35:15 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060913)

Søren Hauberg wrote:
ons, 20 09 2006 kl. 19:57 +0000, skrev Cameron Laird:
I'm helping put together a presentation on the potential of open-source
software in engineering situations; I'd love one or two or three very
pointed examples of work Matlab effectively can't do but Octave makes
easy. Although I've used Octave occasionally over the last year, I'm not current or expert with it. What shows Octave off to best advantage for a Matlab-using audience? Is it the ODE or nonlinear
algebraic solver?  Variable-length argument- and result-passing?  Who's
good at Octave advocacy?
  So this might not be the answer you're looking for, but to me, Octave
has two advantages that makes it the most important piece of software on
my machine

  1) It's Free Software. This mean that I can read the source code when
things don't work. When Matlab fails, you have to work around matlabs
limitations. When Octave fails, you can figure out why this is the case.
>From a scientific point of view, you also have the option of opening
every single blackbox. When you use Octave/Matlab for prototyping it's
very important to be able to know what Octave/Matlab does when you need
to implement the same algorithm in C/C++. (You get the idea)

  2) The Community. Not only are the Octave people very friendly, they
are also extremely smart. The tips you get on these mailing lists can
really save your day.

So my answers to your question wasn't the technical ones I think you're
looking for, but I think they are important.


I think Soren named the first things I thought of as well. I've noticed a couple other things:

1. I like the interface for linking C/C++ into octave better in octave than in Matlab. Matlab's interface (MEX) used to be much more unwieldy than it is now, but I still prefer octave's.

2. octave starts up faster because it doesn't check in with its license manager, and it doesn't have a bloated Java GUI to start up (although some people would not consider that a good feature).

3. Soren covered the availability of source code. However, there are also benefits of not costing anything when you want to run something on a whole lot of CPUs and you'd rather not buy a license for each of them.


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