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Re: Plot uses results from previous script, gnuplot retention problem?

From: Henry F. Mollet
Subject: Re: Plot uses results from previous script, gnuplot retention problem?
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 11:51:54 -0800
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

Apologies for posting. I found the missing "hold off" in my scripts.

on 1/30/04 8:25 PM, Henry F. Mollet at address@hidden wrote:

> I've posted before a problem with axis "retention", i.e. the axis statement
> does not agree with what is used after axis was changed once and then
> reverted back to default.
> I'm now reporting on a potentially more serious problem and am asking if
> anybody has had this problems before:
> 1. I'm using a data matrix, then a script which produces a "Results" matrix
> and the script includes a graph (gset term aqua 1). The graph is as expected
> and uses the following major plot statements:
> plot (TriangleCorners(:,1),TriangleCorners(:,2),"3*")
> hold on
> plot (Results(:,8),Results(:,9),"x").
> The plot is titled "Figure 1".
> 2. I use *clear all*, just to be sure, reload the same data matrix, and now
> use a *different script*, which includes the same plot commands but uses
> different results in columns 8 and 9 of the "Results" matrix. The plot is as
> expected and is graphed in a new window (set term aqua 2 for checking
> purposes). The plot window is titled "Figure 2".
> 3. Again I use **clear all**, just to be sure, reload the same data matrix,
> and now use *again* the *first script* (I've changed the script to "set aqua
> term 3", for checking purposes). I should get the same plot as in Figure 1
> *but* Figure 3 is the same as Figure 2!?
> I check the results matrix, which is correct, but the plot titled is still
> using the data that was used for Figure 2.  Although I had cleared the
> octave workspace, the results were retained somewhere, perhaps someplace in
> gnuplot?
> 4. I terminate and reopen the terminal window window on my iMac, then reload
> octave and get back to the same directory. Then I reload the data, use the
> first script for the third time (I've changed to "gset term aqua 4" for
> checking purposes) and now graph "Figure 4" is as expected and identical to
> that in "Figure 1".
> What should I do to better substantiate this potential problem.
> Henry
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